lorem ipson

To be frank, you're asking the wrong audience. The importance of family photos will always derive from the family, and if your question is in regards to photos vs. video or some other technological advancement I will say that as long as there are family members who were born more before 2010, pictures are still the

I homebrew, and it seems like a waste to use a fermented and carbonated drink to make this. I think that I'm going to try this with both wort and the then if that doesn't work I'll use the stuff that's left over in my bottling bucket after fermentation. Has anyone else already done this?

You only need one if you know what you are doing, unless you have odd things like BT or RF needs, even then the RF needs could be met by a more expensive remote.

He should have made it an external case powered by, idk thunderbolt, with the hardware inside so that it could actually act as an external GTX 690

This is good advice, we didn't plunk down all of our savings on the down payment, instead we bought and did things like install central air and AC that was non-existent before. The improvements raise the value of the home as long as they are good return on investment improvements, so now my mortgage principle is less

What, you didn't keep yours? I have my original one from Christmas 1990. It has my name written on the bottom in black pen and all. The only thing I lost was the link cable to connect and play two player games. I don't miss it at all, I actually keep it in my office now for a quick game of tetris or mario baseball to

Except when it's at a place you will shop, then it is free money. I will give you that once you purchase the card that it's on you to actually use it, and some people don't, but at a place like target where you can pick up necessary items like cleaning supplies and toiletries you wouldn't have to buy anything that you

I agree. You just outlined the two sides to the coin. The population does need to be controlled...... but is it done efficiently by trying to shoot bucks that will make the largest trophies? The culture and the purpose are at odds with each other, so the argument doesn't line up 100% of the time. Call it 30/70 or

But the meat is so good! I won't troll you about controlling deer populations though..... that one I think is at least 50% propaganda.

For years Apple hasn't minded leaving openings like this available. In fact, several of their surprisingly easy openings might benefit them in the long run. In previous examples such as hackintoshes, where arguably you are "stealing" the most because you are taking apples code, altering it so that it installs on a pc,

So I have the best neighbor name story, and it is still going on. Three years ago, I bought a house next to this middle aged man who lives alone. He was always out in the yard raking, watering, mowing, yard things. Well he always waves hello and for the first couple months he knew our names, including our dog's name.

Between a friend of mine who can build and myself who could get the games working so that they aren't clunky or glitchy, and even serving my home brews, we could probably do this for ~2-3K depending on the quality of the screen. That said, it would be a bitch of a project. I call it a fair for something like this if

Yes, because the whole point is to lower distractions and if you are typing an address or searching for a name, you aren't paying attention. A lot of newer phones have a driving mode or hands free mode GS4 for me. You should enable this and place your phone before shifting out of park. Cops don't care what you were

The thing about this, is that everyone is named. In the back of each book there is literally a directory of who is related to who and what house they belong to. That alone is 20+ pages. So, in the show, they are not named, but in the book, they all are.

Well, I must have been ahead of the curve then, because I had one of these.

If we can just get the interns necessary, anything is possible.

Yeah, and I don't want to be a UPS driver....... Your argument is strange. Ever heard of work smarter not harder? I remember hearing that the guy who repairs the $50K imported car can afford the $100K car if they do things like run their own specialty shop. Do you need more than experience/technical degree to be a

There are easier ways than simply just not going. Scholarship, working through school, saving early, responsible levels of debt, getting your employer to pay for it..... etc are all viable options. There are stories of people who get by without it..... but the law of numbers says it's better.

Also, while you are there, get yourself and your spouse an advanced degree!