
She’s so good I had no idea she was ever married.

“I don’t think I can do this anymore”

That’s from The Night Porter.

This is going to be super sad when he doesn’t win and people will have to be reminded who he is when they tell their proposal story.

Christopher Walken circa watch up his ass Pulp Fiction. We were on me parents couch and he kept repeating his lines from the film. At one point he pulled out aforementioned watch and showed it to me.

So much dicking.

a culture that got dicked with. Find a culture in the world that hasn’t.

How about instead of hiring Pratt you don’t get rid of plenty of the people we actually like around here?

I hear ya. Stuck in the Bible Belt myself. It suuucks.

Lucky you. When I was stuck in the chase scene with Dr. no pants he killed me so many times because I am shit at ducking, apparently. Apparently my strategy of “if I’m not looking at him he can’t see me!” baby logic doesn’t work all the time (except in Soma, where it does inexplicably work).

When I was a child (around 8 or 9) my sister and our two friends decided to play Bloody Mary. My sister had a giant vanity mirror in her bedroom which of course, was perfect. Being children, we did not have the cognitive know-how to realize that, even if this DID go according to plan, that would be the worst ever.

I guess the kids aren’t into Star Wars as much as they used to be.

For a website that is absolutely obsessed with the alleged feminism of lady celebrities, your own silence on the issue - Jezebel - is rather funny.

Oh god stop living where I live, horrible people.

All I read was JOB OPENINGS. YAY.

Welp. Time to move.

Yeah but Britney has always ALWAYS been right in toe-step with the status quo and her managers have always been comfortable with that. That’s actually what’s super charming about her.

Vaccines are to blame, ‘eh?

Mmm, mostly I don’t get the logic of the type of person with the “if you were dressed a certain way it’s your fault” kind of thing, because it paints (generally) men with this brush of they cannot contain themselves or are capable of compassionate thought for other people. In which case, I would posit, if what you say

Well I def. thought that was Kylie’s ass for about 75% of that brilliant artistically relevant film.