I feel I am totally missing out on this whole “Breakfast Pizza” thing. How can we import it to Seattle?
I feel I am totally missing out on this whole “Breakfast Pizza” thing. How can we import it to Seattle?
I thought Beto was low in the polls because he’s a douchebag poser and everybody knows it.
Farm-to-table has always been a scam to part hipster idiots from their cash.
Everything about her is fake, except “teh krazy” - that’s totally for real.
My wife is always comparing herself against a brother/sister pair she grew up with with whenever they do something. I just tell her that 1) the first thing that shows up when you Google those two is that lawsuit they lost 25 years ago showing all sorts of shady business shit, 2) she’s never worked a day in her life…
Awesome advice, I just wish I’d listened to it.
No, she’s snooping. Nobody has any business looking at anything on anyone else’s phone.
Why wouldn’t there be porn on your phone/computer etc.?
The old Betty Crocker recipe (circa 1950 or so) turned out a better brownie, marginally, but the amount of work involved isn’t worth it. I stopped making them from scratch about 30 years ago.
Add cinnamon and throw in a cup of chopped pecans.
You write as if this sort of thing is new, when it most certainly isn’t. Who knows how many women Jack The Ripper actually murdered before anyone even noticed?
More valid reasons for sane people to exit California.
You lost me at “butternut,” which tastes horrible.
That’s actually pretty common - everybody gets tired of their own menu, so swapping food with the place across the street/next door is the usual starting point.
Taco Bell/KFC/Pizza Hut: free food baby, dig in!
My wife makes better salsa than you’ll ever get in a jar, and she’s Greek/Filipino.....
I always buy the “hot” Pace because even that is “extra mild” in my book.
You can ask people behind you to hand your bag to you if it is close, but if you have to move more than one row to the rear, then you sit your ass down and wait it out. Planes disembark one row at a time, front to back. Your whiny ass wanting to cut the line because “reasons” needs to sit down and STFU. Start adulting…
I’ve worked at a couple businesses that were bought up by PE firms, and both times they chewed them up, ruined their reputation, and then just sort of crapped them out a year later after about 90% of the staff had either been “trimmed” or just left in despair. Two years later they were basically completely new, but…
It’s a toss-up between two beers at a dive bar one summer afternoon in 1985 and a blowjob I got one night in Boys Town in Acuña, Mexico in 1983.