So, now that people are finally tired of your bullshit act of “wokeness” they won’t play along with your mental illness of being a self-appointed judge of humanity?
So, now that people are finally tired of your bullshit act of “wokeness” they won’t play along with your mental illness of being a self-appointed judge of humanity?
It’s funny to read the disjointed and barely sentient whining outrage you put forth. Your disconnect from reality is pretty strong.
Newer apps will allow you to connect to the plane’s IFE system and get your movies and music directly from the server.
Good enough, but I’d nitpick on getting a disposable razor, they are always duller than a cartridge by a significant amount. It’s like using a razor that someone else threw in the trash so they don’t get nicked.
The more this game seems like Destiny 1 the more I like it.
In case you haven’t figured it out yet, Miley Cyrus is merely a less busty version of Lindsey Lohan, but with twice the crazy to make up for it.
First of all, children should be banned from all air travel....
It’s like saying you should have a better seat and food when you didn’t pay for it.
You’ve managed to stumble into the mostly unknown world of “bullshido” - this is where fake martial artists make outrageous claims of ability in order to make lots of money.
You are generally allowed to head-punch anyone that is vaping in public.
I’ve tried all of those, plus a lot more.
You can call yourself whatever you want, but you haven’t changed what you are.
Some of them are inappropriate questions (Weapons to declare? Seriously? Go fuck yourself you little Nazi.) while others are obvious signs of stress.
Make sure you don’t cross the line into “creepy dude”....
If you wanted control of the window, you reserve a window seat. Otherwise, you can just suck it.
This nothingburger balloon is deflating so fast I’m surprised it doesn’t make a fart sound.
Chris Rock - “You can hold up a liquor store with an Epi-Lady”
Chris Rock - “You can hold up a liquor store with an Epi-Lady”
Back before Pizza Hut decided to completely suck, all they used was a yeast dough that was started about 5 hours before they opened.
I’d rather just get my clothes clean and not smell like a hippie. I’d use plutonium and not feel the slightest twinge of guilt.
I’d rather just get my clothes clean and not smell like a hippie. I’d use plutonium and not feel the slightest…
It’s a nothing burger, but you guys are eating it.