So, your new hero is an emotionally stunted and brainwashed teenager?
So, your new hero is an emotionally stunted and brainwashed teenager?
Like everything else thrown at Trump for the last three years, this too will turn out to be nothing.
The 80's WERE the porniest decade: sure, Deep Throat, The Devil In Miss Jones, and Behind The Green Door were 70's porn, you still had to go to an sleazy theater to see them. Playboy still only showed bush, and not even Hustler would show explicit sex acts.
So you know what other people’s self interests are? Amazing.
Believe it or not, being likable has a lot to with getting elected. If you come off as a smug asshole people won’t vote for you, regardless of what your policies are. It’s a valid concern.
Because, honestly, most celebrities have room-temperature IQs and are barely capable of writing their name in crayon, much less a novel.
It’s almost as if a pair of emotionally-stunted juveniles sobered up for a weekend and realized what a pair of complete jackasses they’ve been.....
“The Ozark way” requires violence; Pitt is a total wuss.
My first thought is that surely you are being sarcastic, but I realize in retrospect that you’re just really fucking stupid.
When medicine is run by accountants.....
That’s rather amusing in that the Canadian health system is used as a horror story of how to NOT do things in the US. The most vocal in this point of view I find comes from Canadians living in the US.
There are a number of simple fixes to the insurance system that we allowed government to do to via their normal lies and deception, starting all the way back with good old FDR.
Best explained as “proof that the government is ass-raping you without lube.” It signifies a government that has so far exceeded its mandate that it should be burned to the ground and rebuilt from scratch.
When the first prediction of the “global warming/cooling” nutjobs comes true, please be sure to let the world know. I’ve been waiting for one to be accurate for 50 years now.....
They should do this, but shot from the perspective of all the guys who’ve dumped them over the years for being insufferable princess-bitches who cheat on their men.
Last time someone tried they got shut down immediately. People will give you shit over your ringtone if you don’t keep it low.
1) The kitchen music generally should not be heard in the dining area
But first and foremost, I want to know what her motives are with these bimonthly texts.
I know a lot of people that “discovered” this little trick about 20+ years ago, right when they stopped writing checks at the grocery store (you remember checks, don’t you?) and getting cash back.
Every millionaire I know, including myself, is rolling their eyes at you.