No Longer Amused

I would have gone with “you need to fuck a lot of people first” and then gone with “Remember that time you did X and really got off on it, even though you know that you said you’d never let someone do that? You’re really into that, so live with it.” For many people this includes such things as light bondage, spanking,

If they aren’t interested in a glass of ice water, just get them to try the closest thing to one: Coors Lite.

Fall shoes, for men? Please.

Fall shoes, for men? Please.

You might be eating that crap. Sentients aren’t.

No, it’s that you’re a fucking moron to conflating (and exaggerating) the personal political viewpoints of the owners themselves with their business.

So clean-cut you expect the cast from Father Knows Best to show up.

The sandwich is fairly good, you can get better at Wendy’s. I find the squeaky-clean staff to be a bit creepy and reassuring at the same time.

Too bad we no longer have debtor’s prison so he can work off paying for the repairs/replacement.....

We’re perfectly fine without people that find a problem with immortality. The rest of us will look at your graves a few thousands years from now and snork at what dumbasses you all were.

She never believed that. She always found a new level of low to sink to while pretending not to.

He fucked a 13-year old girl; why hasn’t someone drowned him in his own toilet?

June of 1986 I had sex with a future girlfriend in the back of her 1969 Mustang along a hillside turnout on a main road from about 3:00 to 4:30 AM. When we were back in the front seat catching our breath the sun was coming up and she wanted to know if we could do it again.

At the water fountain in Lithia Park during a public concert (July, 1988).

Yes. Either Lodge or Le Creuset.

Yes. Either Lodge or Le Creuset.

If you understood the central limit theorem you’d edit your post....

Veganism generally leads to malnutrition and mental illness, so there’s that going for it.

You sound exactly like my boss.

If the vocabulary doesn’t do it, the manbun most certainly will.

I’m still holding out for an 8K 80"....

I’m still holding out for an 8K 80"....

I remember that. The eventual outcome will most likely be a complete blurring of the line between porn and other media for actors and actresses.