No Longer Amused

The more you are “scared”of this crap the more power it has over you.

For the Boomer generation basic personal money stuff was taught in junior high. Laughably, they talked about pensions and Social Security as how you would retire, endorsed buying bonds of all types as a patriotic responsibility, and apparently property equity didn’t even exist.

That the bond market is for suckers and old ladies.

Wow. It’s almost like you never even HEARD of Russian nukes in Cuba. If only there weren’t, you know, literally hundreds of pop culture references to that sort of thing over the decades.

Looks like everyone’s favorite (even if they don’t know it yet).

Every vehicle I’ve ever owned has a whip antennae. Bought my last car in 2002.

The government agencies most likely copied theirs.

Basically, government is the absolute worst source of information; there is no reason for them to even be adequate. Everyone accepts and expects mediocrity from bureaucracy.

I wasn’t impressed with it. Nor has my wife’s Greek side of the family ever heard of this stuff.

I want to be your friend.

You WILL all die in your soft, pansy, urban, Prius traffic jam. 99% of the people on this site can’t even make their own coffee, much less survive 3 days without electricity.

Christian “conservatives” were christian “democrats” when I was a kid. Same shit, different day.

My wife and I once had a vegetarian roommate. I was downstairs, using the 2nd kitchen to cook burgers when she threw open the stairwell door and screamed “Are you cooking MEAT!!??!!” before slamming the door shut again.

People buy the plain burger for three reasons; 1) for their dog, 2) world’s pickiest eater, 3) flat broke.

You’d think Apple could find someone besides a geriatric with a gerbil habit..

This is so easy:

If you didn’t eat dinner, it would be served to you, cold, for every meal until you did eat it.

Brussels sprouts aren’t food.

Welcome to 1973, when small bottles of Dawn became standard in every laundry room across the nation.

When I moved to Seattle 25 years ago there one LJ Silver’s in the entire region that I knew of. Ivar’s had long ago pushed out all other competition with the exception of two or three local shops where they hadn’t managed to set anything up nearby.