We say we like weird cars around here. But how weird are you really willing to live with? If you’re up for living in…
We say we like weird cars around here. But how weird are you really willing to live with? If you’re up for living in…
Be curious no more! With the magic of boredom and Google Maps we have a solution! Dick Danger and company accumulated at least 13.7 miles of carnage and regret.
after working a couple decades full time, i re-evaluated my financial situation. no kids, $500/mo mortgage, all vehicles paid off. my company offers part time positions, so i decided to take one. same benefits, same days off, same early shifts. now i work 25-30 hours a week, in at 7ish, off by 1ish, rest of the day to…
Too many words. Here’s a video explaining it:
Should have used a Wrangler Rubicon instead of a Sport. Locking difs, better suspension, more articulation etc. etc. etc.
Heh, well you did use quotes!
Hello my darlings. I have returned after a fortnight of gallivanting around the Northern Hemisphere and I have some…
This must have been somewhere other than California.
Probably didn’t have gap insurance...
Is it just me, that the whole point of American muscle car is that it’s got big ass V8 with RWD, isn’t it? I’m a bit confused with the shift in muscle car identity, like, an independent suspension on Mustang, or AWD? I just don’t know how I feel about it. It’s like Harley-Davidson, the brand is built on the idea on…
Funerals dont need to be expensive. Cremations start at $500. They can have family and friends at their home instead of the funeral parlor. The deceased cant tell the difference between a lavish funeral and a cheap one! Life is about choices and the decisions we make. Deal with it.
I guess I can’t say one way or the other; from personal experience just like with anything else I found that most utility workers are courteous but a few can be assholes. I had a large chunk of my tree once cut without permission because they were trying to fix a problem on my neighbors property and despite the fact…
If you look at the picture carefully his and the neighbor’s driveways are very close together. The truck parked to minimize the impact on both of them.
Get out of here with sensible logic! He should by a mid-90's M3
How about keep the Nitro and start saving money.
Wouldn’t that just ensure that it stays there longer judging from AAA reaction times? Heck, it’s probably still infront of his house looking like swiss cheese by now.
I’m with you on the code of silence that plagues police departments. But he’s not asking for special treatment in this case. He paid for his Big Mac. Give the man his Big Mac.
It’s not a dying generation. Once young people enter the real world they move closer to the center. Especially those who are successful. They have a better understanding of how the government works and get to see where there tax dollars go. Once you are successful, you see how well capitalism has worked for you and…
Just don’t tell the 25+ million residents of Seoul your thought process.