Lord Stoneheart

I always liked to think that political differences wouldn't be a huge deal to me in a relationship, but using dating sites I think I've found that they can certainly make you incompatible with someone.

So bad shit happens and you have no right to complain because it could happen to anyone? (And dismissing the fact that it overwhelmingly happens to girls/women). Sorry, maybe I misread this, but that's a shitty argument.

Confessing romantic feelings is something I could never figure out how harmful it might be, so I always err on the side of caution. I have a friend from high school who I had a massive crush on, but I didn't come out to him until I was a senior in college. (I'm still in touch with him). I considered telling him I had

I thought it was a phase people grew out of once they reached some point in their twenties. I guess I've just been super lucky to not meet adults like that. (I knew quite a few kids in college like that. One time someone in chess club asked me if I liked Game of Thrones. The follow up question was "What's your

Yup. My gym classes didn't have cross country units though, running a mile on the track was a once a year thing. At one point we did have wrestling units because it's not gym class without humiliation or something.

Well, those response tweets were… Something. A Simpsons reference username used by someone cheering on for an elementary school kid to be sexually assaulted? Man, these people really are determined to ruin everything.

Oh, I think it's the last one you talk to then. I could have sworn it was the furthest from the start.

I think the boss is the disguised soldier fartherest from you. And I'd worry more about experience. Gold lost per turn isn't that much.

Sounds like you just did Chapter 15, the one where you only have Corrin, Azura and Gunter.

I've been playing Shin Megami Tensei IV Apocalypse, and I'm almost near the end. (I'm fairly certain I'm in the last dungeon. It's one very trippy place).

Isaac Asimov's Foundation series. I'm not sure where it's going to lead, but it's been pretty good so far. (I'm like 100 pages in)

In addition to all the politics stuff, I showed up two hours late to a two hour meeting because it got moved back two hours without telling me. But school is one giant thing of "Oh everything is crashing and burning and I'm not clear on what I'm expected to do" anyway.

Well if she does, she can have the pillow eat whoever objects. Bonus points for singing the Jaws theme as the shark is gets closer to the objector.

Fine, magical doppelgänger it is. (Tries to create one, it ends up looking like Mike Pence instead)
I tried Napoleon. Sorry about that.

I went on a date with someone in their mid thirties and I couldn't shake the feeling of being intimidated by the fact I felt like he had his shit together so much more than me. We're both grad students but it didn't change the fact that we were at pretty damn different points in our life.

I have no doubt that men like that exist, I just thought they wouldn't bother writing a "Why won't young women go for me!" letter to Dan Savage of all people.

Is that first letter real? I have no idea why he brought up half that stuff, and the other half of the stuff he brought up makes him seem like the type who would never write to Dan.

When they first introduced the DLC and how it would come with different colors of Yoshi, I thought I'd never be a non-Yoshi character again. This turned out to be the case, except for Shy Guy instead.

I wish I could remember what I did in Chapter 12, because I don't seem to remember having as tough a time with it as others. (10, 17, 19, 20 are chapters I had a much harder time with than others, so I also wish I knew what everyone else did).

Hello Fluka! I wish I could play NWN2 because the sheer amount of character creation options would keep me busy forever. Alas, I only have a laptop and trying to run the game makes it want to melt.