Lord Stoneheart

Oh we still have Disqus for a few more hours? Cool. I currently don't have plans to get Kinja so this might be my last post here.

Yeah I'm objecting to the idea that there's something intrinsically bad about gaming. Gaming culture has a lot of problems with racism and sexism. A lot of these problems were long running and also metastasized in the past few years for a variety of reasons. But if one could wave a magic wand to get rid of all the

Yes and I live actual life too. I go to school, I work a job at the school, I study. And as I covered here frequently, I'm in on this whole dating thing. I interact with friends I've made both at school, and at things related to the AV Club. I'm living life. Why does it matter to you whether I use some of my free time

Gaming culture has spawned some pretty awful things, but it's not the only entertainment subculture to do so, and I'm confused as to why entertainment where you have some input is so drastically different than a movie.

Why would porn make people not want to date? Masturbation is fun but there's more to dating than sex, and sex is more enjoyable than masturbation, at least for me.

Never mind what I said about the score values changing, I'm an idiot, it's the same. Still the 3x score twice per day seems encouraging and I can now consistently win on the hardest difficulty. I have a good feeling I'll get that anti Vantage seal. (I think it'll go on Tobin since he's my anti Hector)

Sonya is definitely the boss, and like Veronica and Celica before her she's a massive pain. (I guess she's a stand in for her dad who's not in the game?)

The Great Cave Offensive was my favorite part of Super Star (Okay the Arena too of course) because the gameplay felt more Metroidvania like, and there was incentive to really try and explore for treasure. Kirby and the Amazing Mirror is supposed to be similar but I've never played it.

Yeah. I think my problem with Triple Deluxe, Planet Robobot, and Return to Dreamland is that they're very good Kirby games that use the formula set down by Kirby's Adventure. But they don't deviate from that formula a whole lot, they just have their own bells and whistles. Which are cool bells and whistles. But

Oh yeah you still have the final dungeon which contains multiple plot battles. And some of my favorite music in the series. (Sorry for the sorta spoilers there)

I don't recall there being an OMG plot twist before the final battle of Echoes?

My strategy for Nuibaba was basically plop multiple healers around Silque. Then she spammed Invoke. Which summons dread fighters for her. Dread fighters half all magic damage they're hit with, so instead of Medusa being an HP to 1 spell, it's an HP to half you're remaining health plus 1. (Unless you're at 1 or 2

Kirby Planet Robobot is turning out to be a fun, if slightly standard Kirby adventure. Some of the new abilities I've found, such as poison and doctor have been a blast. And the way some bosses change to a ring arena has been pretty neat too. The robosuit seems a little lacking sometimes, but the level where you

Yeah, I gave up on OKCupid, and deleted it off my phone for more space. (It's been replaced by St Vincent. Sorry romantic love, I've replaced you with music)

Yeah. I enjoyed myself, though whenever my friend went out for a smoke break I pretty much froze up and browsed my phone. But that's me in crowds anyway.

I actually slept last night and I'm so happy. I owe my parents a thank you for talking me down from an anxiety attack.

Savage Love comments were what got me both to lurk and eventually comment here, and I'm sad to see it go the way of the Sex Cauldron.

My most populous type is sword infantry. I have like two teams of 5 star sword users. But I do have all three blue mage cavaliers. (Reinhardt, Olsen, and Ursula) I kinda want them to add a fourth one just so I can jokingly run a full team of them. (Granted looking at the whole series, I think the only mage knights

Do you know how long the season runs for?

I honestly find it funny that one of the few units to get the skill is Zephiel. (What should we give this high defense, low speed armor unit? Ah let's give him a boost to speed at the cost of his attack! And then Wary Fighter so he doesn't even make use of the speed!")