Lord Stoneheart

I've been kinda binge playing SMT IV Apocalypse because I think I'm close to the end. Or somewhat close. My Godslayer is around level 83. I plan on doing the Twisted Tokyo bonus dungeon so perhaps I do have a ways to go.

Oh neat! I can't make it the 8th, but the other two days should work. I'm looking forward to this. Go Team Bowser!

Judging by some comments he's made, he's been trolling this place with the exact same schtick (but numerous sock puppets because he's been banned repeatedly) since February/March.

He makes sure to spend some time every day on his knees.

Oh his statements are supposed to be sarcastic? I think his routine needs some serious work.

It's like a "Don't Do as Donnie Don't Does". Except it's not confusing at all.

In unrelated news, staying up late to flirt with a guy was a bad idea. Also I'm 90% sure said fellow will ghost me, as he has done so before. (Basically he stopped responding to me completely two months ago, and then he suddenly started messaging me again)

The grade isn't popping up for me, but I was going to guess D, since there was one kinda positive thing and that thing wasn't "It was a fun trainwreck."

My favorite Homer and Lisa episode is one where they're mostly the B plot, Bart on the Road. It's neat to just see them interact with each other without some plot issue bearing down on them (at first at least), and it allows Lisa to be an eight year old girl.
"I haven't told a soul about your new boyfriend."

By definition the winner take all set up of US elections encourages a two party system to the extreme. There would have to be extensive reform of the Constitution to change that.

I don't think I have anything to say about the letters this week.

I normally don't respond to comments months after the fact, but I should clarify that I don't think that Disney World is a happy place. Sorry for the unclear wording.

There was some. Mario Party 10? (Realizes I'm the only one here who played Mario Party 10. Slinks away)

The Gamepad for the Wii U is underutilized, but not always wasted. Super Mario Maker would have been a fantastic launch title I think.

The slow burn can work okay for portable games because I tend to multitask while playing them. Considering this is apparently streamlined from the PS1 version, I'll admit that I don't think I could have pushed on through with that version.

10 is the defense chapter where all the choke points disappear in the last few turns. 12 is the one with the pots.

There's scrolls of paralysis lying around too. If you have a character with good enough Lore at least.

Side game. It takes place a bit after SMT IV splits into the Neutral path. I'm not sure how much it affects the story of IV yet though.

I was wondering, when do you unlock the job system in Dragon Quest VII? The game certainly takes its time to get moving, but it is enjoyable once it finally does so.

Congrats on beating Chapter 10 in Conquest! Man that one is frustrating. I didn't struggle to much with Chapter 12, but YMMV.