Lord Stoneheart

You can do some dialogue to get out of fighting it, but if you want to complete the quest you'll have to pass some skill check or else you'll fail when explaining to the goddess what you did.

So this weekend I'll be playing 3DS games I've gotten.

I'll step out on a limb and defend TIFF… Oh are talking about the film festival? Never mind, I won't go on about how I need to store 16 bit images.

For a few weeks of gym class in middle school we (specifically the guys. Girls did tumbling I think?) did a wrestling unit. I was terrified of having to grapple some of the guys in the class.

I don't know what a hen party is, and if it's full of female supremacists or something, I doubt there's as many of them as there are MRAs.

What are you talking about? There was a troll here earlier who talked about women as if they were brood mares. I have never seen a woman talk about a man in the same way.

I think I misquoted Pratchett, but I was definitely trying to allude to that. (Five is the critical number right?)

I had a post which I deleted because I suddenly had second thoughts about posting something and then going away for several hours (I had to teach). But alas, Disqus sucks and my post apparently didn't delete properly. (I can't recall the exact thing I said.)

Oh I think? I'm not sure. I think those reveals are close to the end. Apocalypse takes place shortly after Lucifer regains power, and the Archangels fuse to form Merkabah. I'm not sure how it will handle a storyline that branches off from something before the ending of SMT IV yet. I suppose I'll find out soon enough.

Will do. I didn't get the Neutral ending in SMT IV either, just Law. (And nothing ending, that was fun)

Dragon Quest VII. It's been enjoyable Dragon Questy fun once I got out of that hella long intro. (Start to battle shouldn't take more than 10 minutes, an hour is just absurd)

I was just about to post "Yeah I know she's not perfect…"

Started Supergirl. It's corny, but it's fun. Which is right up my alley right now.

Bon anniversaire! I'm not sure why that's in French but still, happy birthday!

Breaking All Illusions by Dream Theater is a pretty good way to get guys to flee.

My post wasn't deleted by a moderator, it was deleted by me. I had second thoughts about posting it because I posted it about three minutes before a three hour block of class time and then realized I didn't want to cause some problem and then get accused of running alway. Jokes on me, it didn't delete properly, and

Archmage, do you have a sock puppet banishment spell on you? I think it might come in handy. (sd2323 is a sock puppet of the troll who tried to pick a fight with MLA downthread)

I always assumed that the people with pronouns like "Bunself" were trolls. (I also stay off Tumblr 99% of the time though). I mean I've never met these people in real life, even in queer spaces.

I've yet to see a woman post a gender flipped version of things I've seen a lot of MRAs say. (Like I've never seen a gender flipped version of one of the trolls downthread.)

1) (From personal experience) Guys on OKCupid will ghost at random. Don't get hung up on it, it's not always going to be your fault. If you noticed someone stopped messaging you, don't spam them. Accept and move on. On a side note, don't refer to people as your future husband unless you're engaged. (In which case