Lord Stoneheart

I don't think either of the Congressman King's would realize that the term terrorist could apply to white people.

(Note to self: Don't commit plagiarism and then try to use Homer's line of "It's my first day.")

Yeah, I'm not surprised to hear this. That interview with Samantha Bee was… Well I might as well quote the video.

Nobody is going to follow me up with "No, what I meant when I said he sleeps with the fishes is that…" are they?

While I think this is the case, I think it actually happened a while ago. The Jake Gyllanhaal I've seen recently have been other people's posts copied verbatim. Which is a known spambot tactic for increasing posts counts.

I thought you told me that Mike Pence was dead.

Okay, I get it. My bad. This is my fault for assuming people on the Internet would be sincere about their arguments. I should have just downvoted and moved on. I suppose I'm way too easily trolled, and I need to work on that.

Okay I'm morbidly curious now. Explain.

Luke was truly a unique protagonist wasn't he?

Admittedly, if I don't have half an hour to play a game, then I don't load it up. I just hang out on the Internet instead.

Oh I know about that. It's not an accident that the casino is called the Sierra Madre.

I know it alludes to the Treasure of the Sierra Madre. (Which gives me a feeling that I'm not going to make bank at the end)

I do want to try the games but outside of the next system having GameCube VC, and still having Wii Download games and Nintendo deciding to release both (which isn't a guarantee) it doesn't seem likely.

Don't forget fight against a time traveling dragon God in a game with inconsistent time travel! (If they're in separate time lines why does he care he might lose in one? What ever one he's in he gets to chill like a boss over the ruins of humanity)

Oh Neutral path, I'll get around to you someday. (I've only done the bad ending and the Law path. I think I'll do Law path in Apocalypse before I do Chaos in IV)

To be fair, if he didn't constantly yell we might have forgotten he existed altogether. (This is how I feel about most the villains of Fire Emblem Awakening. Though if Gangrel stuck around longer he might have been more interesting judging from his supports as a Spotpass character)

My one problem with SMT IV (okay main problem, but really most of them are pretty minor, I enjoyed the game) is that Tokyo can be pretty hard to navigate. It's very difficult to tell from the map alone where you have to go and what path you have to take. I hope Apocalypse fixes that. (Also is the September release

I didn't like Walhart as a villain mainly because that whole part of the game felt out of place. But I liked his crit/skill cries. "I am inexorable!" (Unyielding just doesn't have the same ring to it)

I tried Dead Money once and really messed things up and had to delete that save file, so this time I'm going to have a save beforehand, but then take this thing head on. I hate the idea of giving up on a challenge even if it's an unfair one.

Mostly playing Fallout New Vegas. I just finished up the Honest Hearts DLC with exterminating the White Legs, though I managed to convince Joshua Graham to spare Salt Upon Wounds. There's no perfectly happy ending for the DLC but I think this one might be the best one. Any case I'm level 24, and I have maxed out