Lord Stoneheart

They've moved on? Sam Bee has her own show now on TBS. Ed Helms and Steve Carell have actin careers. Rob Riggle… I don't know what happened to Rob Riggle.

Somebody already mentioned Delfino Plaza, but Super Mario Sunshine in general is full of nice lazy kinda songs that fit a tropical vacation. Here's Ricco Harbor.

I have to say I'm a fan of taking in the scenery of pretty much any game. I think I'd probably go insane otherwise considering the games I play.

It's been a while since I've watched Election. Though it reminds me how in college in the student presidential elections posters would be torn down. Except in these cases, the perpetrators were caught on camera. This happened multiple times. In consecutive years. I don't know what the second group was thinking.

Holy shit, that's what I get for only skimming the letters the first time through.

Is it weird for music to put me in a good mood, which makes me ignore some bad feelings I had earlier?

Yes we get it Dan, monogamy is unrealistic. (I'm honestly surprised the last writer bothered, Dan's been saying this forever). Also, even someone as clueless as me kinda figures you can't double use condoms. (Are refractory periods supposed to be that short, or does this guy have really long lasting erections?)

That… That doesn't even make sense?

First thing that popped up for me when I got on Amazon was laundry detergent and other laundry related products.

Sure you don't. I'll see you in the next thread about ice cream truck documentaries I suppose.

Hello. Just for records sake, you're a sock puppet of BrighterDays/Jessica Hinch correct?

I think I dislike it because it feels manipulative to me. (Especially the "My boy has grown up just like me." when that doesn't even seem to be the case)

Blood Money was my introduction to the series via watching my brother play it. (I've never played it myself). Watching him play Absolution was a bit yawn worthy, and I haven't seen the new one yet.

Poe's Law. Outside of the stamp collection and knitting socks comment it's not that different than serious takes from people with that position.

I'm a fan of the earlier Pokemon Mystery Dungeon (Anything up to Explorers of the Sky) and a fan of Etrian Odyssey. I felt like they did a good job merging the Mystery Dungeon and the Etrian mechanics together.

Yeah, the True Arena which adds in the bonus modes bosses has been a staple since the DS Superstar remake. It also tends to have more limited healing despite having more bosses. Definitely the hardest thing about Triple Deluxe, and I needed that sweet sweet Archer ability to make it through. (Dark Meta Knight is still

Super Smash Bros Brawl also had some weird story (with the additional gimmick of no dialogue). I honestly can't remember any of it other than Kirby mugging King Dedede and Peach getting people to stop fighting with tea.

Judging from other things said in this comment section, and things I've seen this guy say elsewhere, he's a troll.

I'm slightly afraid to ask my parents about what they think of this. Back when stuff went down with Ferguson their position was "Well we won't ever know the whole story." But now these stories are getting national headlines, so even clueless white folks like me notice a pattern.

6th Gen Exp Share is one of the most useful things ever. In the post game. It's just stupid game breaking in the main game though. They should really really make it a gift for beating the E4. (I kept the difficulty up in Y and AS by using a rotation of about 20 Pokemon)