Lord Stoneheart

Yeah, between everything we've seen of Judy King, plus that phone call with her lawyer, I was expecting her to figure out some way out of following through on her promise. Even not considering her various manipulations, she's a fair weather friend to people

This is probably a bad time to bring it up, but I got a laugh out of Leanne and Angie ruining the mood of Piper/Alex in the time machine. Those rascally meth heads. (I'm ambivalent about Piper/Alex being a sex thing again. I hope season 5 isn't just more of their drama)

I was expecting his flashbacks to show him realizing how in the past he was too willing to go with the flow on things. (Just judging from the scene on the water tower). That perception on the point of the flashbacks changed by the end of the episode though.

Am I missing something? Outside of the show mentioning he's gay, I can't think of any character traits to him other than "Idolizes Giuliani and wants to apply his ideas about law and order to everything"

Yeah, this episode could have worked as a resolution of Morello's plot line for the past two seasons. (Except her stalking victim got assaulted and was then never mentioned again). I don't know. She's a great supporting character (Morello and Warren: Poop Sleuths!) but I feel like they don't know what to do with her

Yeah the shows in a tricky spot right now. Overall it's tipped more towards drama than comedy. Going full slice of life really wouldn't work. But they can't keep doing serial escalation from season to season, or else by the end demon overseers on the seventh circle of hell would tell the people in power to take it

I'm 95% sure it is.

I forgot about that! Ah god, every detail that comes back just makes me feel worse.

Yeah. Soso is someone I like (since late season 3), but it's been Taystee and P as a duo since the beginning. I just wish we had one more scene of them.

Yeah, I felt like we got a lot of Morello this season but it never went anywhere. (Haven't seen the finale yet. But unless it's something big with Morello, I'm going to feel cheated. We needed more Taystee and P this season!)

Even with all my internet consumption, I apparently dodged all of this. I watched the episode an hour ago and was caught completely offguard.

Oh fuck not Poussey…

O'Neill's nun song remains one of my favorite comedic moments in the series.

I wonder if Freida was always the way she is, or if she was a more mild mannered person and then that one crazy year that started off with her mutilating her ex husband, (her story from season 2) and then breaking bad.

I do like Taystee's putting her neck out in an attempt to secure Suzanne's well being. Shame about her watch though.

I didnt even realize that her sister was an adult. (Though that was silly of me, because Suzanne is one of the characters we have an age for, she was in a high school class of 2000. Her sister looks about five years younger)

I think oblivious of the end would be best. Being aware of problems while being helpless to stop them is the worst feeling.

Freida's murder math didn't account for a change in variable it seems. (Thank you, I'll be here all week)

Libraries don't have VHS tapes anymore? (Okay I know nothing about prison libraries, but the small village my dad grew up in has a small library and it does still have VHS tapes)

I feel like we haven't seen much of Watson outside of season 1. (The stuff that happened to her back then certainly justifies being angry all the time, but it's nice to see her in a different context)