I saw one in DC a few weeks ago. I didn't know they expanded out of NYC. I feel good about not having to travel 3-4 hours for one now.
I saw one in DC a few weeks ago. I didn't know they expanded out of NYC. I feel good about not having to travel 3-4 hours for one now.
Judging from what Judy King said about her informants, they haven't fought overseas apparently? But I'm not sure if they would qualify for giving MCC those tax credits if they hadn't.
Because I like coming up with weird bullshit excuses to cover plot holes, (Usually eliciting a Hermesesque "That just raises further questions!"), my theory is that the phones belong to a small group of inmates who manage to get new ones smuggled in every time they run out of battery.
And now Pennsatucky is back with the white methheads. Though they seem to like her even less than season 2. I'm not sure what Penn should do, but I hope she finds someone not Leanne to talk to.
(Me thinking) "I remember reading that this episode was an emotional one but I wonder what scene…" (Red finds Nicky in the shower) "No! I'm not ready for this!"
Sister Ingalls is back! In time to go to the SHU. Damn. Watching her back talk to donut rapist was great though, it took me a second to remember that the SHU wasn't a possible threat at the time.
The thing I miss the most about the old guards is… Well the fact that outside of Pornstache (and to a lesser extent Luschek and Bennett) they were decent human beings. But I also miss the small details we picked up about them over the course of the first three seasons. (I appreciated Maxwell's snark mostly, but O'Neil…
Well I mean that is probably the smart way to go. I just heard a lot of weird stuff in middle/high school from straight people about their gaydars.
I feel like the show forgot about it. And it's really screwed up. But I'm going to hold off judgement until the end of the season. Theres another shoe on that marriage that will drop, and it will probably be more than the guy cheating.
Is the Wrangler's thing a thing? Would it just mess with people if I started wearing Wrangler's?
I'm not quite sure how to feel about developments with his character but I do hope that he realizes he needs to leave Pennsatucky the fuck alone.
Yeah. He comes off as much more professional than the other new guards, but I don't think we fully know yet what lengths he will go to keep order.
Come on, it's only 90% of the lethal dose!
I like Alison's and Cindy's banter now that they're friends/rivals. "You called money paparazzi pizza dough!"
I think my heart may have skipped a few beats when Linda pulled a gun on Crystal. I had a feeling things would escalate but holy shit! (Also I guess from Caputo talking we know Sophia is alive, but her being well is obviously bullshit)
While I'm still confused as hell as to what the show wants us to think about Caputo, I'm pretty sure we're definitely supposed to think Linda is an awful person all around.
I had the Sonic collection for the GameCube. I'm not sure if I entirely agree with Girard, but I have to say the early games were full of traps that were just mean. (Especially the latter half of 2). My favorite game on that collection was Ristar, which I think was only on there because it uses some of the early…
Checked Amazon. The former is going for $70+ used, the latter $100+. Christ on a pogo stick, Nintendo should do GameCube emulation somehow. I hope the NX can handle it. (I want to play Path of Radiance and Paper Mario TTYD damn it!)
(Hugs 1 TB external hard drive)
Oh crap stock is limited? I thought the game was available for digital download though?