Lord Stoneheart

So last night I finished my challenge run of Pokemon Yellow, despite my entire team being 15-20 levels below the champion. I've learned some things. Mainly that while the sixth gen shoots itself in the foot regarding difficulty because of Exp Share, Pokemon games have been steadily getting more difficult regarding

I felt like they did Chapter 5 the way they did it to try and give the job masters more depth. I didn't like that they made all of them suddenly not bad people anymore though. You can have a motive and still be evil game!

Hey ICP is back!

You're not my supervisor!

That's the Capra Demon. I got stuck on him in my last file.

That's what I've been doing. But sometime he traps me against the wall and stunlocks me, then kills me.

There's multiple fuck this shit threads and I posted in the latter one. That's what I get for sorting by newest.

Parking lot I'm registered to park in (and I pay quite a bit a year for it) was full because of some outside event. So I got stuck in a massive amount of traffic. And then I had to pay quite a bit for parking. And then I had to walk a long way in the sun (while wearing jeans because I'm going into lab today). Fuck

Dark Souls!

I swear I've read things about Ben Carson's campaign that suggests it might have actually been a Producer's type scheme to collect campaign funds.

If I get told 8.9 I'm storming out in a huff!

According to Wikipedia one of the names for that effect when you have columns of sunlight coming through clouds that appear to converge is called a Jacob's Ladder. (Which is something I firstlearned from a progressive rock song)

Regarding the gay man who wants an open relationship, but his partner doesn't, I'm kinda glad that Dan doesn't give the "Go ahead and cheat" advice as much as he used to. That and advice to hire sex workers really seems to have declined in the past few years I think.

Anecdotal, but the first gay guy I met in college was from Alabama. Though he didn't come out until he was in college though.

Sorry I was unclear in my first post. 23.

Oh I was talking about the LW's situation. It's because I frequently get mistaken for younger than I am. Don't worry. I'll shut up and get off people's lawns.

Your friend is on your side right?

What's the best way to ask "How bangable am I on a scale of 1 to 10?"


Is a 29 year old still a kid? I mean I know there's an 18 year difference, but it seems weird to say that. (Maybe I'm just sensitive to being called a kid and I'm the same age as the guy when he met the LW)