Lord Stoneheart

I might be going out for drinks with a guy I find attractive, but I don't know what he thinks of me. I do know he's gay though. What's the best way to gauge what he thinks of me?

So is there 13th level wizards to help everyone get around offscreen or what?

So Stephen King is right. All the horror stuff does go down in Maine.

I was fully okay with her not showing up, but since it seems that the pieces are being put into play, I'm all for Lady Stoneheart making a scene. Though the backtracking seems a little weird.

Well this just got more interesting than the wood carving contest.

I first played Doom when I was 14. (On the X360).

(Stares at Venerable Monk)

Indeed. (I assume you got the notification every time you talked to an important NPC during the time freeze)

I remember that ogre battle! ("Come tonight, come see the ogre sight! Come to ogre battle fight!" Sorry, that song is stuck in my head now)

With Bravely Second, did you get to Chapter 5? I thought it was kinda clever how they did that. (If you didn't get to Chapter 5 then my bad for the vague spoiler there)

Yeah my reaction towards save points in Chrono Trigger is a bit different than my reactions towards save points in Dark Souls. (Plus I thought the "Save points that alert enemies because of the Ding sound" was kinda clever)

I guess if mimics have some indication that something is wrong, then I can stand them. (And if they don't get super repetitive. That doesn't sound good that detail about Dark Souls III)

I'm considering buying Pokken Tournament tonight, then losing my access to my Wii U from Thursday to Tuesday. Seems like a smart plan.

Why are we here? Because we're here.

I've seen a lot of people talk trash about "incrementalism" lately, and how easy it is for small changes to be reversed.

I was having trouble this morning verbalizing when people who are proponents of a third party get on my nerves, but this point of "Shame on everyone who doesn't agree with my voting strategies!" thats past it.

Feasible was a poor choice of words.

For something morbidly funny
"Give a man a fire and he's warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he's warm for the rest of his life"

Still watching Lady Dynamite, which remains funny even if the plot can get nonsensical. (Also I don't really know what I'm doing more than half the time either)

I'm working on a Ph.d in biophysics. I'm not sure I want to go into a lot of detail on things. But thanks for the offer.