Lord Stoneheart

Well my parents are alive, they're middle class (I'm not a dependent anymore but I make quite a bit less) and I don't think criminals are a cowardly superstitious lot.

I wish I had something to say about the letters. Maybe I'm misreading the third one though. I can't tell if Blech is being shamed for not adhering to gender stereotypes or she's frustrated with others seemingly doing so. There's a world of difference there.

I'm a prospective scientist? (Not sure how to phrase that. I'm working on a Ph.D)

Your life is quite the roller coaster. I have no idea what to make of the self admitted liar though. Better than a compulsive liar who refuses to admit they lie? (I have much more experience with that type of person)

Not sure if I have a question, but I just wanted to say that I feel loads better after finding out I passed all my classes. Also I'm going out to lunch/dinner with a friend next week. (Who's single and gay. I'm not sure if he's interested in me that way, but maybe he would be a good person to ask for advice. I don't

Was the third party person one of those "People who vote into the two major parties are sheep." people? Because that's when they annoy me. I can refrain from making throw your vote away jokes until it starts getting implied that I'm a dupe for voting for what I think is the best feasible option.

I was at least expecting in narrative terms to be the sacrifice that lets them get away. But then they had to make her death mean as much as Summer's. (Which is to say nearly jack shit)

(Reads the speculation about Hodor being Aegon Targaryen)

Oh god I didn't think about that!

I was going to make a "Never go full Dorne!" comment, but then I realized we haven't heard from them in a few episodes. And that's one of the reasons I've been liking the past few episodes.

Honestly I'd be perfectly fine with that resolution to the whole Iron Islands situation.

Jumpstart! I remember Jumpstart. Namely the 4th grade version that gave me nightmares. Witch was freaking scary.

Damn that ninja combo is solid.

Patisseur has something similar to compounding, but it's more offensive, using items to inflict status effects and stat drops and elemental weaknesses on enemies. It does get the heal item boost as one of its support abilities, along with one that makes items hit an entire party.

I've only beaten 3/4 of the robot masters levels, but I have to say it's been fair and fun. The only frustrating part so far has been stretches of the Quick Man level. And that's nothing compared to the bullshit that was the Ice Man level in 1.

I kinda agree with side quests thing. My main problem is that they made a morally grey dilemma that for the most part you're going to select the one that benefits you the most gameplaywise.

I finished Bravely Second! I enjoyed it more than the previous game. The story wasn't the best and neither were the dungeons but both were a considerable step up from Bravely Default. The new jobs were all pretty interesting, and I really enjoyed messing around with the Wizard (and putting spell craft on all the other

(Remembers Euron's speech in the books)

Mega Man 2! So far it's better than Mega Man 1. At least not as blatantly unfair as Mega Man 1.

I'm going to make time for starting Veep and Silicon Valley I swear!