Lord Stoneheart

Fuck my lack of relief? Not sure how to phrase that. But for so long I thought I'd feel better as soon as the semester ended, but it appears I'm more on edge than ever. It's frustrating.

I guess it's not that different from the "Curse of Ham" (Ah Evangelicals)

Well a good deal of people did say something along the lines of "I don't mind gay people but I can't stand (slur deleted)"

Well she referred to being transgender as a "disease". (She called it transgenderism which I don't think actually makes sense? I don't know). I'm not sure if she realizes that trans kids exist.

Ah, same. I've probably told this story, but I used to have a huge crush on one of my friends. (Who was kinda effeminate and got made fun of a lot). I never brought the topic up because he was insistent that he was straight.

I feel the same way sometimes too. I feel like I've missed out because I didn't come out of the closet until I was 21. But then I haven't managed anything since other than coming out. (I have asked one of my friends on a date. He didn't realize I was asking him out on an actual date, and I found out he already had a

I just looked up SoulCycle because I was certain that's what the exercise cult in that one episode of Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt was.

That second letter is a bit puzzling to me, but then I remembered that I hate conflict too, especially with authority. Shame that people like LW's dad seem to take the lack of objections as approval for their actions. (It just weirdo me out, because I'm trying to visualize my dad doing that, and it's just not

That's one of my (different) friend's favorite quotes.

Holy crap that sounds spiteful. Normally I'm a fan of spite, but what the hell? That's just fucked up.

Oh god Dan's a CrossFit person now? Now we'll never hear the end of it.

My condolences to her family and friends. I remember liking her comments even back in the days when I just lurked here.

I think what they were trying to go for was the idea of Kratos as a hero because he does "great" things in the sense of having a large impact on the world, as opposed to great things as in having a large beneficial impact on the world. The former would be closer to the Classical Greek idea of hero I think? (Though my

Very few games I play have vocal tracks to their music. (And when they do, I kinda wish they don't. Looking at you Xenoblade Chronicles X!)

(Jumpluff and Tropius sulk in the corner)

Part of me feels like shelling out for DLC character in ME3 will only encourage Bioware but then I realize it's four years after the fact, and they decided to drop that overpriced DLC character thing for DA:I. Also I like the idea of having a weird bug alien, even if it's going to cost $10.

I was wondering about the leftover threads too. It feels like they were planning a Z but then decided to scrap it. I remember reading about Zygarde supposedly getting new forms, but they don't seem to have ever materialized. I wonder if they're just going to drop it, or bring it up again some other way?

This weekend I probably won't be playing much still. I finished up my Mass Effect 2 run. Arrival didn't give much, but it was interesting to play. I wish I did Lair of the Shadow Broker earlier though, to truly reap the benefits.

I used to be one of those "Well actually…" people but I learned that I could come across as insufferable right around the time my confidence kinda collapsed elsewhere.

Not getting as much time to play as I would like (stupid finals) but I'm currently just finishing with mopping up the side quests in Bravely Second Chapter 5. I appreciate that the characters are more willing to cut to the chase with things unlike things in Chapter 5 and 6 and 7 and 8 in Bravely Default.