Lord Stoneheart

I say give Ralph a chance. Maybe he deserves a better name than Ralph.

Is that opening part referring to small children asking the question? I can kinda understand helping children learn things. As for adults asking the question, it seems pretty rude. No one has the right to know exactly how some random couple went about getting a child.

What's the best way to smile? I can't help but feel like I have this kinda of freaky rictus going on when I try.

Well at least he didn't go straight to "Hire a sex worker" with the first letter. I don't really have much to say about any of the other letters. (Except I'm way too anti social to be promiscuous I guess?)

Excuse me but paradigm? Postmodern? Aren't these just meaningless buzz words idiots use to sound important?

Cross between Oblivion (I haven't gotten into it since Skyrim came out. Should fix that someday) and Pokemon Platinum. (Remember thinking how easy it was to raise Pokemon in that game compared to previous gens. The most recent Pokemon would have shocked high school me in that regard)

Just out of curiosity, what's the best way to do Forrest's side quest in Conquest? I have no idea how to do it without getting swarmed in a manner that I usually only see on the final level. (I do plan on getting Forrest eventually. Like maybe as I go through Revelations)

This weekend I'll be playing Bravely Second, and Mass Effect 2.

Yeah that's the one. Maybe my strategy just stopped working once freaking Takumi drained all the water. Hmmm. Well good news, that's definitely one of the tougher chapters. (Though people told me the one with the poison pots was tough, and the only trouble I had was not having Elise)

All the aliens I've met so far in Xenoblade Chronicles X make me want to stab myself in the ears. I'm not sure if the Alvin aliens are more annoying than Tatsu though.

Did anyone else test Fisto before the delivery?

Just out of curiosity, what did you think about the defense level in Fire Emblem Fates Conquest? (Chapter 10 specifically?)

Yes you can. Masturbation and wet dreams don't have to involve other people.

Ah. That explains the Internet awkwardness. (And the general awkwardness of messaging someone a lot younger.)

The random "Cheers!" at the end seems a little pretentious. I guess it depends on what other messages you've been receiving but I say go for it. (I uh, may feel a bit sympathetic to super awkward people)

I'm sorry you have to put up with shitbag.

Drill? I thought we were using hammers?

(Reads about the Bartender's Spouse imposter. Monocle pops out of eye)

Hey, it's sexy times on Savage Love. Which means I don't have much to contribute. VIRGN needs to relax. And stop using sexperience. Unclever portmanteaus are the worst. (Also he needs to stop shaming his friends. I mean if they are his friends)

I never actually finished the first one. I think I was very proud of myself for doing well in the beginning, but as I continued on, a series of bad decisions made it so I was basically constantly losing folks to starvation. I think eventually I just found it too stressful to play.