Lord Stoneheart

Remember kids, you can only care about one thing. By advocating for it, it means you don't give a shit about a single other thing in the world.

You do like writing a lot while going on about how rational you are? Maybe you should step away from this. I think you're getting a little too emotional about it.

"The only real danger resides in folks not understanding it for what it is."

I kinda referenced this in my comment above, but I think overall I found this season more enjoyable because I'm more interested in Kimmy's internal conflict than some of the plot threads from season 1. (I'm so glad that Kimmy's step dad didn't show up again, and that Dong was kinda reconfigured as a character).

Uh, I'm a day late, but I really like this episode. I'm sure everyone's already said the best lines.

The Ice T appearance was great, but I also got a laugh out of Law and Order Incinerated Drifter Squad.

He's practically giddy at the idea of making us mad, but you're the troll of course.

A couple different emotional ones with some different emotions.

Have I been remiss in my duties to endlessly ramble about Pokemon and Fire Emblem?

All that DLC has already been released. Map Pack 1 finished releasing back on April 21st.

I don't know how they messed up the graphics for V and VI so much. I mean what the PSP had for I and II were perfectly serviceable. And what V and VI had for the GBA was okay too. Glad to hear IX is still good looking.

(Accidentally forges an entirely different painting when trying to copy a few squares)

We also had one this season when Lillian tries to help Jacqueline commit insurance fraud.

Don't worry Kimmy and Titus, I too am terrified of seeing faces where they shouldn't be.

It's one you hear much more than Spiral Mountain so I understand if it gets repetitive but I really liked Gruntilda's Lair theme. Especially how you would get near little variations as you got closer to the levels themselves.

The more I think about it, the more it weirds me out.

Okay so there's a lot I like about this episode that's already been covered. ("It was a total bang fest!")

It's much more of a trade off than it was in Awakening. But pairing up a strong character as support to a weaker character can mean the difference between life and death a lot of times. Though a paired up character can't have another character help them offensively through tag team. It all depends on what the

Yeah. Characters gain support as normal, (support is even still gained in Conquest). Using the Pair Up system is definitely the quickest way to increase support. It cuts down your numbers a little bit, but in general I found it to be useful in a lot of situations.