Lord Stoneheart

Good point.


Sometimes I get the feeling that everyone else has mastered the art of having various close relationships, and I'm just kinda detached from everything.

I'm considering putting myself out into the dating pool. Do you think my red hair will help or hinder me? (I've been told by straight people that it's very red! I'm not sure how to process this. Also one time a person said they really thought I had a cool hair color. And they later turned out to be gay. That's a good

(Reads the FRIEND letter)

I mean, I still think that the Titus's one man show episode was kinda smug and oblivious to what the show's been criticized for. But I still think that episode had some good points (No face journeys!) and that many of the episodes since are just fantastic.

If Tina Fey's bit character made me roll my eyes almost every time she spoke last season, Andrea in this episode was both hilarious, and tragic. I can't wait to see more of her.

Hey Mikey and Titus are sealing the deal when it comes to kisses!

I like the mentions of a tugboat. They go well with Lillian's previous insistence that the floor was a floor and not dirt with floor paint on it. Or that the walls were actual walls.

I thought of the trial as the show's absurdist take on how a manipulative monster like the Reverend can make himself appear to be an honest, country guy who's everyone's best friend.

Right right! Forgot about that.

This episode was great. It's a little weird that I sympathized with Titus having to listen for the sake of listening, before realizing that means I'm probably as shallow and self centered as him pre character development. Whoops?

I got to watch more Brooklyn 99 this weekend. Still making my way through the first season, it's still excellent. (I thought I would be more annoyed at Andy Sanburg's character, but he's funnier than he should be)

Probably inferior to Scyther in every way. Bug type is essentially a hindrance. The only thing he gets over Tauros is Guillotine. And OHKO moves are bad, even if they are kinda funny. But I've never used him before, so I really want to just use him for a lark.

Hipster jokes are stale, but I'm glad that Lillian is getting her own subplots and is more than just a Stoop Crone. (Though she's great in that role too). The Arcade Fire joke had me in stitches. (Which is as painful as it sounds)

WarioWare Smooth Moves.

Oh jeez, and I put zero. Well I hope all my friends got a laugh out of that.

Ah, yeah that explains it. What chapter are you on? Everyone started hitting S support around 20 or so for me. My less used characters only did so because I brought them to grind on challenges on the map.

If came out at a bad time for me, so once I got knocked out of rhythm it's hard to get back into it. I almost got back into it last weekend, but once I started making progress I got derailed by schoolwork. (Not playing any games for almost a week has derailed a lot of my playing)

$31 for a new game? That's a nice find. I always get excited about sales on Nintendo's digital store because of their sticky prices, but the last time I jumped on a sale I got burned. ($40 for Super Mario 3D World? What a find! And then it permanently went to $20 a month later)