Lord Stoneheart

Spellcrafting is love. Spellcrafting is life. Yew is going to have it on him all game.

The medicine/poison pot level was annoying because "Damn it game, Elise is my best healer! What do you mean I don't get her for this level?"

They're the Conquest characters I believe. I'll have to double check.

I had him spared and had Alistair executed once! For shits and giggles really. It makes absolutely zero sense for the Warden to do that. But after multiple playthroughs I'm sometimes a sucker for stupid evil decisions.

I like it when I found out there wasn't a swear filter. Mainly when Nintendo asked about some bloody flowers question. And one of my friend's responses was "What the fuck is this Nintendo?"

Uh, not that I know of. I don't have an adviser yet, but that would be my PI as well I think. Two days later I think things might not be as bad as they seem. I'll find out where I'm at next week I think.

Blastoise, Sandslash, Victreebell, Pinsir, Dodrio, Nidoqueen.

Miitomo has been interesting for someone like me who got it mostly for the platinum points to spend on rewards. I need more 3DS themes damn it!

Okay this one was a solid step up from the past few. Titus and Mikey might be the most adorable people. And I'd like that we got to see Titus cover new ground, and do more than just great one liners/act as a foil to Kimmy. (Though he still does that this episode. "What's your favorite incarnation of Madonna? There are

Something about the Wii/Wii U not being allowed to emulate games that used the Super FX chip. This includes Star Fox, and the SNES version of Yoshi's Island. (But not the GBA version of Yoshi's Island)

Yeah, the meta context of this episode came across as "You just don't appreciate our comic genius!" I got the joke with the casting Fey. I just didn't find it funny.


So this is essentially a repeat of 64 with an attempt to have more bells and whistles? That's disappointing, though not unexpected I guess. The original SNES game is still one of my favorite games and I'm still annoyed that limitations to the VC will prohibit me from playing it again.

Making my way through Pokemon Yellow still. With my shiny new Victreebell, my lineup is fully evolved! I love Razor Leaf's super high crit rate in gen 1. It's very satisfying.

Oh people upstate hate the city but love Trump. Because he says what they're all thinking! At least he says enough about what they're thinking about non white people. And that's enough they don't care that he's from the city.

Well my states primaries were yesterday. So fuck my Sanders supporting friends who are being disingenuous sore losers. (I don't care he won a majority of counties. Majority of people didn't vote for him! I know you want to discount the vote of "those people" but most people in NY live in one of the cities). Fuck my

I don't think I have dreams that don't involve me just consuming pop culture.

The thing that's annoying me about my Sanders supporting friends, is that they're being really disingenuous about how well he's doing. I've seen the following things.

Women wanting the personal autonomy to choose who they want to be with and not be treated as property of their dad to be handed over to their husband is an American thing?

I love it when trolls say how they're going to be censored and then they just get ignored.