Lord Stoneheart

At this point technically no. Technically.

The song YYZ by Rush always cheers me up. If only for four and a half minutes or so.

HMP had a lot of stuff in it. It was almost like a stream of consciousness. If it's real, I hope the writer manages to beat cancer. Not going to touch the rest of those subjects though.

(Reads the first letter until I get to emetophilia)

Mikey is an adorable Bob the Builder and I can't wait to see his date with Titus.

Yeah, the whole Jacqueline plot line is still… Off. The best part of it was her mom's "How do I know that?" regarding the Kardashians.

Click Clock Woods in Banjo-Kazooie. I always had trouble in that spring/summer segment. Little kid me was not good at games and how in the holy hell I made it out of Rusty Bucket Bay I don't know.

So Bravely Second is out today! And I can't get it because I don't have time today. Somehow I've manage to have scheduled myself from 8 am to past 9 pm. Wonderful.

Gay marriage passed in New York in 2011. Sadly, I was barely an adult so I forgot to register and I missed out on my mandatory marriage to a straight man. It probably affected my student loans.

(While I'm about to do some analysis on data I took yesterday, I check my email first).

I think they were trying to go for touching death scene, and then kinda backed out on it by giving you an option out? (You do get two other ninjas in Birthright, and I liked Kagero more. But Revelations gives you almost all the characters and from what I've read doesn't pull that kinda bullshit). In any case they

(Spoilers that DWS has seen but maybe others haven't). Kaze's death is bizarre as hell. Especially since that's the only time I think Fire Emblem has done that. And it's not like being friends with the guy would actually change the outcome of the scene. It just does because… reasons.

I think I said I we going before?

Men and women can't be friends, I saw it in a movie once! And they've never lied to me before!

"I told some friends I would meet up with them and hang out with them, but it's only for a few hours Saturday evening?"

I have to admit, I'm confused to as to why this comment is in this review in particular?

What's the point of hating something if everyone doesn't know you hate it?

Don't be ridiculous. Netflix never had any quality control.

"Oh, what do you have planned son?"

On one hand I never understood that argument about same sex marriage. Does a straight married couple just see a gay couple holding hands and just go "I want a divorce."?