Lord Stoneheart

I have Sanders supporter friends who share these idiotic pieces on how Clinton should drop out because of all these scandals and all I can think "Shouldn't she wait until one of these things is actually shown to be a real problem?" (I don't care about her emails. Honestly)

Wow, that's a dick move. Fuck those guys.

"I have friends who are homosexual…"

Introduction to Modern Statistical Mechanics of course.

Most likely!

"Oh, his boyfriend also broke things off with him."

No I'm pretty sure I specified that she's a woman, (notices typo)


I read an article explaining how the dude just doesn't smile correctly. And normally I wouldn't put too much weight into such a thing, but I honestly think Cruz is a good contender for actually being a lizard person.

But I'm so tempted to ask him for the papers he's getting his pseudoscientific bullshit from! (Seriously I find the comment about DNA sequencing to be hilarious. It's just so wrong on multiple levels!)

I guess to feel a sense of superiority to us loser nerds. Can't you tell from his proclamations that he's a real winner?

I'm going to assume that itsmejeff is about to break out in "I'm a nice guy! Why won't women have sex with me!" mode any second. Or some sort of tantrum along those lines.

This troll has been known to use sock puppets so it honestly might be the same person.

These rants never do go anywhere interesting. Can't you guys vary it up a little bit?

I've been on a run since I first made some comments this morning, and from what I can tell he's been regularly posting since.

We thank the Internet gods, for the Killfile extension that they've bestowed upon us.

I'm game! Most likely. If it's on a weekend at least.

On one hand I'm laughing at the idea of learning about behavior through DNA sequencing. (That's not a thing. There would be a lot fewer arguments in psych with regards to nature vs nurture if that was a thing)

Today I learned about Utah and porn. I'm not surprised. (I have a friend who lives out in Utah. She's Morman, so she's probably not the person to ask for honest anecdotal evidence about this)

Having a car is nice. Teenage me was ambivalent towards it (I was kinda a shut in) but I like the freedom of movement it gives me.