Lord Stoneheart

From what I read, it's not really a thing that happens with wolves in the wild anyway. But I could be wrong on that.

No but that totally refers to some gate in some city or something else metaphorical.

The intense virtriol freaks me out a little. I'm used to seeing localization complaints. (Especially with the pre X/Y Pokemon games and seeing people complain how all the Pokemon names in English are stupid puns. They get to be stupid puns in every language people!)

I beat the "Hidden Truths" DLC to Fire Emblem Fates. I'm not sure if the story makes sense, as I haven't played Revelations yet, but I'll take my Fell Emblem (Hello Grandmaster class! Not to be confused with the Great Master class). The maps weren't that hard, with the exception of the second one suddenly had super

But combined with some other tactics, they can shane women into having risky potentially lethal back room abortions. The way God intended!

Oh I misspoke. He's registered to vote, but he's not registered to be in a political party. I'm the same way. All it means is that we can't vote in the Democratic or Republican primaries in New York State.

I think that kinda happened with Oregon. People like them think a silent majority supports them even when that's certainly not the case.

I mean, I have zero idea how Trump actually feels about any issue that's not directly related to him getting more money/attention. He says whatever that frenzied crowd wants to hear.

Ah, that figures. If you're going to pander you have to hit the whole range I guess.

Fire Emblem Fates Conquest path still. I have all the royals now, they're all promoted, and I'm ready to destroy fucking everything with them. Excellent.

Fuck some of the course work I'm taking. If you're not going to give partial credit, you need to have more than five freaking questions on your test.

Sure. (For all the creepy stuff I've written on the internet this is probably the creepiest. Sorry).

My former history teacher posted in one of my friends status something along the lines suggesting he would vote for Ventura.

Small government principles everyone!

I actually haven't seen Trump saying anything about LGBT stuff. I have a feeling that the base he panders to wants to be able to stone people for anything gay related, but I don't recall what stuff Orange man has said. It may be buried underneath all the other shit he's said though.

Reading Shadows of Self by Brandon Sanderson. It's always nice to see fantasy settings that aren't medieval. (I would say it's like the late 1800s in setting but it's not on Earth so I suppose that doesn't actually apply)

Cruz uses pop culture references in an attempt to appear human? He's just like me!

Yeah. (Though the character does pop back up to be brutally killed which comes across as even more bizarre)

Open relationship but not clear on the rules? That doesn't sound like it will end well. For them at least.

Oh crap, I almost certainly have extended family Trump supporters. Yikes. I guess I better improve on my fake grins and polite language for family gatherings. Or at least improve my smoke bombs.