Lord Stoneheart

There's some mix ups if I remember. I love the dungeon where you split into two. And there's times when Galuf leaves and you're down to three people. Or Lenna gets possessed and you're down a person.

Are you talking about Final Fantasy I? I think you need the magic Key to get those chests. I don't think it was anything special though.

Yeah, nothing has wowed me like some of the levels in the Galaxy game but it's been perfectly serviceable so far. It's like Super Mario 3D Land in that regard. (Though at a bit of a disadvantage since Super Mario 3D Land was a step up from all the remakes that filled up the GBA/DS lineup. 3D World has to suffer Galaxy

I've been super excited for him/her since the reveal (though it makes me even more disappointed about Roy. If I had a choice in who was turned into DLC Roy/Pichu would have been at the bottom). Yeah the side B timing is tricky. I just noticed that the Forward smash does damage even as you're charging it up because the

Yes! Something to look forward to next week. (Besides the general my day today is super busy and I can't wait for next week on account of it being not today).

This weekend I'm playing:

I can't promise I'll try, but I'll try to try.

Fuck my own poor planning of my education!

What if? By Randall Munroe (xkcd guy)

"…it's far from Idiotking"

I missed that question the first time through. But it sounds made up so I'm not freaking out about it like last week. It just has that middle schooler posts random shit on urban dictionary feel to it.

"There's no reason to panic over school work."

Hey rapid fire questions. At least the fetishes this time are merely not understandable to me, as opposed to "Oh dear god why! Why would someone do that to themselves!"

I remember liking a good deal of the SNES Final Fantasy dungeons. The Sealed Cave was not one of them. That freaking Evil Wall.

Yeah, I agree with this. Maybe because I played it first but Galuf's death affected me much more than Tellah's. I had Galuf set to Monk for that battle so he managed to get ExDeath to flee with his own bare hands!

King's prolific enough that his most well known books aren't really his worst. I mean even if you absolutely hated The Shining and Misery, there's no question that they are a million times better than The Tommyknockers, and mostly likely better than some of the books he doesn't even remember writing because of drugs.

Watched The Revanant this weekend. Overall it was an excellent film, though maybe a bit too brutal for my taste. (That bear attack! And every other fight scene!) The plot was nothing special but it was well acted, and it was really well shot. I was amused to find out just how completely different the events the story

Hmmmm, maybe another time. It would feel awkward to me, but at least nothing about it can be described with the phrase "Wet tissue." (Fuck, brain bleach needs to be a thing so badly right now. Nopenopenopenopenopenope!)

I haven't played Paper Jam, but I was kinda hoping Super Mario 3D World was a start to drifting away from the "Princess Peach's sole purpose is being a damsel in distress" Though if I remember Paper Mario correctly, Paper Peach is definitely capable of doing what she can in a dire situation.

Damn. I should have known with that one affinity quest requiring a skell flight module. Still, mechs should be fun.