Lord Stoneheart

So Eidolan fights are popping up in my quest thing, but the prerequisites including killing the Eidolan. What's up with that?

I love all the yarn Yoshi designs. My greatest disappointment this week is that my Amiibo doesn't unlock an original new one.

This weekend I'll be playing:

That reminds me of something my mom told me once.

Good to hear that things went well with your brother. For myopic reasons the thought of having two LGBT people in the same extended family is weird to me.

The sounding of silence. Wait not silence. I'm halfway about to scream my head off at the mere thought of the pain.

Huh. Surprised Dan didn't say anything about the race thing. It's a little… off.

How does that even,

Sympathy Wang Pain 2: Electric Sounding Bugaloo

I have no idea if there's a single song that encapsulates what I view about life. The first verse of Rush's Spirit of the Radio makes me pretty happy though. "Begin the day with a friendly voice, a compainion obtrusive". On a more cynical note there's a line in QOTSA's I Never Came that stands out to me. "Some talk


(Reads the title of the column).

Coming back to this a few days later, because I found a translation of the conversation. Apparently the intent isn't supposed to be tricking the character into sleeping with men, but trying to get the character more comfortable with talking to women by making her think the main character is a woman. It's still super

From what I read, same sex romances are only between Corrin and either the one bi woman in the game (in the Birthright campaign) or the one bi man (in the Conquest campaign). It's unoptimal because you can't get children. (Which I honestly don't mind. I prefer that solution to a complicated magic solution). As for all

Yeah I remember hearing about that one. It's really odd, because they finally decided to allow same sex romantic pairings in Fates. (In addition to it being just fucked up in general)

Yeah, I'm not sorry to see that one go at all. There's a couple of characters in Awakening and Fates that make me go "IntSys, no!" The fact that some of the sketchy stuff might get chopped out in localization actually makes me a bit more hopeful for things.

Unrelated, but as a continuation of my WAYPTW post, I decided to splurge and pick up an on sale Super Mario 3D World. I was going to play Peach because that's finally an option, but then memories from Super Mario Bros 2 reminded me that Toad will always be the most fun for me to play. (I'll probably play Peach when I

Just out of curiosity what romance plotline is confirmed to be changed? (I accidentally ran into spoilers last July, and I remember finding some of the romance stuff kinda… off and hoping that some of it would be changed for localization)

1500 comments on a video game related article? What could it have been… Oh wait that stuff. You think trolls would get bored after a few years.

I'm blanking on which character this is. Do they exist in the beginning of season 5? Because that's where I am at right now.