Lord Stoneheart

I remember the races being close. Highlight of the night for me was me in the airport track one time when I resigned to being in last place only to get a Bullet Bill near the end. I actually yelled in my best Homer Simpson voice "Outta my way jerkass!" as I passed everyone… Only for the effect to immediately wear off

Probably the best idea. My problem I guess is that I'm not sure what difficulty star level corresponds to what character level. (I'm level 18 right now if that clarifies anything)

Good call. Though I'm still fuzzy on some of that stuff.

Once a month a tournament is held and a code for it is posted (you need the code to be able to easily search for it) on WAYPTW. It's open to everyone here I believe.

Yeah, Almighty attacks can be a huge pain the ass. Congrats on beating the game in the hardest to get ending, and without getting Luster Candy/Debilitate. Those skills were my bread and butter for defeating the Archangels.

Geez, I think I missed something that might have been right in front of me. (My Wii U username is Ben by the way)

Go Geodude go! Shame it's not like the originals where Geodude can easily take the first half of the games. Pidgey can be surprisingly useful for taking down Morty in the remakes though.

They are a bit varied in quality. They can be pretty fun to play, but other times they can get mired down in bullshit. The first set of games in particular car greatly in difficulty depending on who you choose for a starter. (Which is determined by personality quiz). And at first I enjoyed the latest one, but after 10

Man, I still have to get the Chaos and Neutral endings in SMT IV. What is the super difficult sidequest boss on the Neutral path again? I remember Beezlebub on the Law path being not that bad. Though that might be because I took him on after beating the DLC boss: The Ancient of Days. It's been almost two years, but

Most the negative opinions I've seen were from people who also gave negative opinions to Yoshi's Woolly World. Since the latter has been one of my favorite games on the Wii U, I'm pretty sure I won't have the same complaints as them.

Is there anyway to message people on the Wii U outside of the initial message you can send via the friend request? Because if not that seems like a glaring omission.

This weekend I might not be playing much because of a winter storm. Since I live in a place that's not used to them at all, it's less a matter of if I lose power and more a matter of when I lose power. Fun. But before that happens I might be able to play:

As someone who is currently a grad student I concur. I'm definitely the worst. (I also go for joke answers because I'm a terrible person who enjoys wasting people's time. And honestly 10% is a low enough percentage that I think a good chunk of those responses had a similar reasoning)

Fuck bad weather. I moved down south in part to get away from the fucking blizzards I tells ya!

Currently reading Lords and Ladies by Pratchett.

I'm gay. I don't know a single other person in my family who's not straight. Including extended family. (And my extended family is huge. I can't keep track of all my cousins. But I've never heard anything about any of them being non straight. Though if they were, I wouldn't be surprised about them being closeted in

Does the Archmage know many clerics? We need some serious Negative Plane Protection spells here, stat!

I mean I guess it depends on the form of harassment, how sincere the apology is, and how often this happens. If it happens over and over again, (or the offender manages to do something different every time, but it's a lot of times) then it really calls the sincerity of the apology into doubt. I mean publicly

My need to make references, really, really wants the title to be "No Country for Old Dildoes".

I'm a fan of both series but the whole idol thing baffles me a lot. It doesn't seem like it fits with either series in the slightest. I guess I want to see reviews first. If the gameplay is good enough then why not?