Lord Stoneheart

1. I am pumped for Fire Emblem Fates! I will continue to be so for the next five weeks. Sorry guys. I'm also very optimistic for Bravely Second. I'm trying to avoid spoilers as much as possible, though I've seen some stuff about the story. There's one particularly facepalm worthy thing I've seen, but the only other

Huh. I didn't feel that hampered by the lack of a run button. All the screens were small enough that I didn't feel Shovel Knight moved too slowly.

I have mixed feelings about Donnel, mainly because the Villager class is mostly a detriment to him. (He does have fantastic Luck as a mercenary, which means he can be better than Gregor. Though I like Gregor as a character more. "Your jigging is up!"). I kinda wish they did with him what Sacred Stones did with the

Ah, Animal Crossing New Leaf. I enjoyed it when I played it back in the spring, but I got distracted by other things over the summer. Every once in a while I realize my town has probably gone to compete shambles. I wonder if any of my citizens are still hanging around. And what they think might have happened to their

Thanks :). Though I admit, this being like my fourth playthrough helped me a lot. Knowing exactly what kind of bullshit the game will through at you in Chapter 21 helps me keep my guys out of danger. I did still get amazingly lucky in a few instances, especially at the end game.

Ah. Maybe the random number gods didn't smile their favor upon you. Morgan with the Rightful King skills seems like he would be amazing. I'm usually really happy with the magic users in Awakening, though my last play through had them all die in like chapter 5, and in the end I really just had Robin and Henry. (Who

I always seem to find that estimations for the length of RPGs always seems to run long, because the person telling me it assumes I'll grind to the point where I can trivially breeze through the game. I'm not sure what's up with that.

SMTIV' story is paced out kinda weird. I definitely remember one of the four endings happening much earlier than the other three. What part are you at exactly?

Which reminds me, Awakening seems to be lacking in having the Fire Emblem archetype of "Character that comes super late in the game, but could wreck it if babied a lot". Sacred Stones is missing it too. I guess the presence of a world map would make it to easy to train them into absolute monsters.

Frederick falling out in usefulness, and Lucina outclassing Chrom in every way sounds about right for an Awakening run through. Don't forget to get the Spotpass maps after you beat Chapter 25. (They're in the bonus box. And they are free. Six new characters, though you might not find much use for them).

This weekend I'll probably not be playing much due to spending time with family. But I might play some:

(Reads the entire post): I got it. (Disqus might make it difficult for me to read stuff that isn't in direct response to me, but if I wanted everything to be easy then I wouldn't ask any questions in the first place)

Oh. My bad. Hang on. (Throws all the drinks away).
Resume party? (Journey music continues to play)

Well yeah. I mean I wouldn't think someone was more attractive because they dyed their hair. (I may not have put a huge amount of thought to this)

Yeah, that's a good idea. I should have found a better time than 1:30 in the morning to mull over such a topic, but it's probably for the better that I do so. (And in general it's a good idea not to get defensive when someone else encourages some introspection. I should try this introspection out)

Improved mental well being?
Woohoo! Glad to hear everything is going well.
This means it's party time right? (I don't have spontaneously appearing Journey music, and drinks though. My bad)

Things I don't like for reasons I don't know: Piercings, some tattoos.
Things I do like for reasons I don't know: Blond hair, some tattoos.

I understand the response to the first letter, but I am slightly confused by the note to white people. Namely, how can one tell the difference between a preference that is their own, and one that's shaped by omnipresent cultural influences? Is separating the two even possible? Or does it just sound difficult because

200 cc was the exhilarating nightmare I remember it being when I first tried it out in the spring. Poor Pink Shy Guy and all the times he got drenched in lava in Bowser's Castle.

Already beat the game and was just a little fuzzy on which party member you were talking about.