Lord Stoneheart

I mean I've had my parents find a condom and lube in there. I deserve to be chided for my continuing jacket storage. (A month before their discovery of the condoms and lube, I got those things for free at a safe sex seminar the school health center put on)

Well it's really quit dicking around on the Internet and go back to my pile of work. (Though I posted my original post before 7 this morning)

Yeah I don't think the condom was ever going to see use. It was just something that I shoved into my pocket because it was being given out for free. And then I forgot about it.

It's okay. No problem being fixated on blowjobs. (Also that studying idea is going to be stuck in my head though).

I mean he's probably pretty busy as well. And probably able to do better.

Hey they can still salvage some advertising out of this. The Revenant: "Not as bad as that one episode of The Simpsons!"

I hope everyone had an enjoyable Thanksgiving. Mine went well enough. I put myself into a food coma twice, so that went well enough. Also I got drunk for the first time in like six months. And this time I didn't out myself to anyone by accident. (Plus the drinks didn't taste like vomit). And I managed to avoid

It's only tangental to the topic but I think the worst gift exchange I've been in was between me and my sister last holiday season. I got her a Starbucks card because I literally forgot about it until the last minute. She got me headphones which I had mentioned to people that I needed.

I meant to go workout at the fitness center at school, but then I thought I wasn't able to the past two days (Combination of the thing being closed during my free time on campus one day, and me being swamped with work yesterday), and I'm going on vacation and not returning until Sunday night, so maybe I shouldn't.

I participated in a pickup soccer tournament on Sunday… and my team got eliminated after two games. I forgot I'm terrible at soccer because it's been half my life since I've played. But I still think the thing was worth my time so there's that.

"But you just let the guy in front of me return his dropped mics!"
"It says no dropped mics. We're allowed to accept one."

My goal is to finish The Satanic Verses during my vacation time. I can do it!

Ah, I misread your comment. I guess my only advice is to just take into account just how many people can see the tweet, and that you're cool with everyone seeing it.

Have fun. Just remember that if you die in improv, you did in real life! Also improv is not code for Sciencetology.

What's the Twitter reaction like? I found mentioning I was gay on social media to have been a regrettable idea, but everyone's situation is different.

That reminds me of when my brother decided to bring his girlfriend to Thanksgiving and my entire family did the whole acting shocked thing. Then attention turned immediately on me on the whole "Why don't you have a girlfriend?" routine. Someone even got me a book called "How to Get a Girlfriend." Written and drawn by

(Fight scene between Lord Stoneheart and TheSingingBrakeman is reshown, this time just showing the latter flailing around at nothing).

Well the last time I described my attempts at the romance stuff I realized that I was acting in a way that might be more typical to someone 8+ years younger than me. I'm really pretty bad at this.

Probably. (Sees the Ayatollah asking me to show my work).

Well I won't have much time to play this weekend because of family stuff. But when I do play it will probably be: