Lord Stoneheart

Hockey shit with Random and Holster is pretty great, even with minimal interest in hockey. "That's sick flow!" (In response to Shitty's hair causing a woman to vomit vertically)

It doesn't help that the first comic I read was entirely about pie baking without reference to hockey. (It wasn't the first comic, just something I saw linked from another blog).

I vageuly remember that! It was pretty unfun but it wasn't as obnoxiously difficult at The Lion King SNES game. (Still never beat the second level on that)

I get no channels on my TV. I use it only for the HDMI inputs.

When asked why I waited to the last minute to do pretty much anything, my line is pretty much "Because I'm an idiot. Happy?" Though the sarcastic happy gets dropped pretty often because it might detract from how stupid I am sometimes.

It does look like that. Damn, if only I had cable.

Finished Master of None. I was left slightly confused by the last episode, but I'm interested in seeing where it goes from there. I just hope that more characters than just Dev return.

Is there Wii U games that primarily rely on Wiimotes? Nothing is coming to mind. (But damn that needed to happen on the Wii)

I'm liking the sound of unstoppable. "Like sink with broken drain!"

Ill keep an eye out for the DS games next time I have the opportunity to buy used games. It's good to know that the stories range from loosely related to unrelated. It would be daunting to try to play the first game. I had enough trouble getting through the first Final Fantasy.

Oh definitely. If next year is the last year before the next thing comes out, I'll still be immensely satisfied with the 3DS. Especially since I'll be getting Final Fantasy Explorers, Fire Emblem Fates, Bravely Second, the two Dragon Quest games, and Pokemon Yellow. (Between me and my two brothers we used to have all

Oh I like the sound of that. Especially since my mage really isn't liking melee enemies so far. (Damn it Cassandra, you have one job! One job! Keep shades from ripping Max open!)

I mean the graphics on the 3DS don't look stellar by system standards but I think that's because the game came out back in like 2013 in Japan. (Seriously I have no idea what was the hold up in localizing these. Other than Japan likes Dragon Quest a lot more than the US does)

Will do. My previous experience with the series involves Red Rescue team, and Explorers of the Sky. The latter had a surprisingly compelling story for a Pokemon game. I do have a high tolerance for roguelikes, even if Pokemon Mystery Dungeon isn't a true roguelike.

Dragon Quest is a series I've never had the opportunity to get into. But I've read that there's DS versions of some of the games, and the 3DS versions of VII and VIII are finally coming stateside next year. Should I try and get my hands on an earlier game as preparation?

Yeah the Mario sports series formula of making stuff super wacky just seems distracting for tennis and golf. That, and the N64 versions of each of those games don't have all the distracting stuff and they are still just fun to play. I got the 3DS golf game, but I haven't played something other than the N64 version in

Uh it seems everyone is still at Fallout 4. I'm at… Other things.

Okay I actually read the article. Holy Golden Mean Fallacy Batman! It's telling that the top comment on that article is someone complaining how GamerGate is about stopping feminists from "Imposing political correctness" on gaming. (And asserting that feminists don't play video games, and this is just part of some

Ah crap, I only have room for the basic pack. My plan is to get an external hard drive around the holidays though.

So I guess I have a story that was going to be a "Fuck this Shit" but turned into "That went well all things considered."