Lord Stoneheart

So this kid ended up in quite a few of my classes. Including an AP Chem class that dwindled down to six people by December. We played metaphorical hot potato with having him as a lab partner. (The other five of us all got along well). In hindsight, that sounds really mean, and my only defense is that the kid was

Well that escalated quickly. (I was not expecting that story to have a spontaneous orgy)

I would emphasize, no just a really creepy kid. But I have a feeling there's a reference sailing well over my head here.

While I've never walked in on multiple people having sex, I did know a guy who would masturbate in class. This happened enough that pretty much everyone knew that he did it. He was a pretty creepy dude.

I'll give you guys the advice that I expect to get from my father on my wedding day. "If you ever travel back in time, don't step on anything. Because even the slightest change can alter the future in ways you can't imagine."

This is a nice counterpoint to Dan's responses over the years though I guess what it mostly shows is that letters don't give an objective view of the situation and sometimes the letter writer leaves out crucial info. Which I probably should have realized before.

I read the theory and I can't say I was entirely convinced that Jar Jar was intended to be a Sith Lord. I do like the idea, especially since the theory laid out parallels to Yoda, and how Jar Jar would be an evil version of the archetype.

Continuing my watching of iZombie. Still liking it. There's a nice season arc that advances at a nice pace, even with the murder and brain eating of the week. And the person (Lupin I think?) who mentioned Major getting a good character arc last week was pretty much right on the dot. Couple episodes left and I'm

I remember one book mentioned that they smell something awful.

I wish we got a bit more on the Forsworn. There's a quest that tries to make them sympathetic, but it really fails to address things like their reverence to the Hagravens and why they allow themselves to become briarhearts. I feel like Skyrim did a better job than Oblivion in lore regarding monsters. Goblins existed

Actually I think I'm looking at the Karma system in Fallout all wrong. It's not a judgement of the player's morality so much as it is how the people of the Wasteland judge him/her. It doesn't matter if your reasoning behind killing the Fiends was because damn, splashed guts everywhere is just the best! To the common

Yeah, I'll probably end up using Imoen for the third time. I do feel like evil options are really limited in the base game. I don't have enhanced edition. Also I'll have three mages. I think Imoen will have the offensive spells, while my main character sticks with illusions supplemented by enchantments, and Edwin goes

Funny on paper, once the thing started talking to me I just started going "Nopenopenopenopenope." Some video game enemies just trigger my nope reactions. Land Dreughs from Oblivion and Ascended Sleepers from Morrowind do this as well.

Even when I sided with the Legion and embraced a philosophy of "Burn the world! Violence is the solution! Also just a fun thing to do!" my character barely fell into neutral karma away from good karma. Killing Fiends gives you way too much karma. (I don't know why you get good karma for killing evil people. What if

In terms of video game enemies that irrationally scare me not in the sense of dread, but just making me feel like irrationally creeping me out, I would say Hagravens from Skyrim. I know people say the Elder Scrolls series has a lot of problems with designs being unintenionally in the Uncanny Valley (where something

Wasn't the final boss fun?

I've heard Trespasser is the best of the bunch. So I hope you have fun. (And don't mind me. I'll just be over here moping with the X360 version of Inquisition. Gloomily thinking about the lack of DLC).

Well my playing during this week has been hampered by school, but hopefully I can catch up on the weekend. I'll be playing:

I'll tell you when I've had enough! (Throws priceless eggs at Godot)

I thought it caused Faberge Egg addiction