Lord Stoneheart

Yeah, as someone who grew up in upstate NY, I definitely think of categorizing just the South as homophobic is kinda of bullshit.

Part of me wants to say that I would have always have answered honestly, but really I was closeted for three years after I left an environment that would have been a bad place to come out to. I had someone point blank ask me if I was gay a couple years back, and I actually froze up and didn't answer. (Fun fact: First

How did the hipster burn himself?

I would ask what Carson did this week, but frankly the shit he's said already pretty much puts him permanently in the "Fuck off" list.

Well I've started The Satanic Verses by Rushdie but I haven't managed to get very far. I'm interested in seeing what the fatwa was all about. (Other than the Ayatollah trying to flex some power)

That's really good to know. I actually like blood drives because my donation tends to go smoothly, and I get free snacks out of it. And the Red Cross wants my O- blood a lot. So I'm glad that in the future it's not just going to be thrown out.

It is fun to shout "Vengeance shall be mine!" though. That has to be part of the appeal.

(Reads the second letter). Hmmm, the writer seems really concerned that her ex will spread STDs to other women. Which on its own is a legitimate concern, but the way it's phrased, she doesn't seem like she mind him spreading STDs to other men. I wonder why.

What exactly are you even trying to say?

That sounds about right. I guess it was Stine. Surprised I still remember the plot.

Which version of Snow White had the witch forced to dance in burning hot shoes until she died? Because that was the weirdest mix of bizarre and horrifying I've ever read.

I forgot that one. But I do remember the very first story being the teacher turning them all into apples. But then they get her to turn them back. And then they trick her into turning herself into an apple. And the author avatar accidentally eats her.

Yeah I faintly remember those. I think they might have been going for irony, but to paraphrase a robot: It's not ironic, it's just mean!

I do remember some weird stories from those books, (the kid who was actually a dead rat in a ton of raincoats comes to mind) but it definitely wasn't them.

Hmmm, the existence of right wing trolls? I'm pretty sure they do what they do for free. Trolls in general do what they do because they like getting a rise out of people. I don't think there needs to be some huge money funding conspiracy to exist. (If there is one, then I want to laugh at the Koch brothers because

Abortions for some, miniature American flags for others!

The more leftist a news site is known to be, the more likely it turns into a far right circle jerk. Like the NPR website. I learned to stay away from those comments very quickly.

Can the comments section be that much worse than their editorials? Because I one time read one that compared a trans advocacy group to Nazis because they complained about something. That was a fun read.

That's essentially the same joke as something that's considered to be the worst joke in The Simpsons.

I don't think it was Stine, but I remembered reading some short story when I was little about a kid in a summer school where the kids who continue to fail are forced to go to some detention room where it's nothing but hearing nails on a chalkboard forever.