Lord Stoneheart

Salem's Lot?

I can't remember any of the stories themselves. But I might have some of those illustrations forever etched upon my memory. And I really wish I didn't.

The show. Could it have been doomed from the start if it simply stopped shortly after peaking?

What if it stopped in season 8 though?

Major is more than just a blame perfect boyfriend that is just a stand in for the protagonist's lost dreams? Oh that is interesting. I can't wait to see what unfolds now.

A Simpsons quote thread? Careful now, do you want to get sued?

Started watching iZombie.

The frogurt is also cursed.

I was excited for it at first because it was announced less than a year after I got into Fire Emblem, and right around when I bought SMT IV. But after the E3 footage I'm just confused. I think I need to get into Persona first before I have a clearer opinion. (My hype has also been undercut by Fire Emblem Fates hype as

If NSMBU was the first one, I would call it a pretty great game. The mix of standard Mario worlds with the food theme was interesting. (Granted that's basically a mix between 3 and World in terms of theme but hey it's been twenty years). But it honestly felt like it wasn't differentiating enough from the others. My

I like themed worlds but the New Super Mario games frustrate me because it's the same eight themes every time. It just makes me miss Super Mario Bros 3. Which had a more creative range of themes Nintendo!

The GameCube one has a cool design. As does the Cotton Candy one. But if I was willing to shell out for Amiibos, it would be Duck Hunt design all the way.

Does anyone? The more I see of it, the more confused I am.

Oh Sunfire is level 5. Fun. Breach is just essential of course. I always preferred the elemental summons over animate dead, but that might be because I have the Spell revisions mod. (No more forcing the caster to engage in some sort of mental battle with something that's not much stronger than other summons). And

Oh yeah, like most status effect spells in the game, it's one of those super useful when you first get it, useless a few levels afterwards spells. I can't remember my go to level 5 spells with a sorcerer. Sun fire is level 6 I think? Hmmm. Maybe Cone of Cold?

I like that analogy. :)
I've found the secret levels to be easier than their SMW2 counterparts but that might not be saying much. (Poochy Ain't Stupid. I haven't heard a more blatant lie in a video game ever, and I went through that one town in Final Fantasy VI)

Hmmm, being neutral in Mass Effect 2 seems like it's just going to cut you out of the best quest resolutions in every way. It seems that your Shepherd just can't lust for gold. She was just born with a heart full of neutrality.

I don't mind the lack of forced credit watching. But yeah, pretty much every storyline just kind of goes "Yeah we're done here". At least the two DLC's had cool enough boss battles at the end that it distracted me from that feeling.

So this weekend I'll be playing:

I wished I read slightly downthread from your first post before I decided to google 8chan. You think after being told not to google things I'd learn my lesson, but nope.