Lord Stoneheart

I've been considering getting Yoshi's Story, but my one concern is that it seems rather short for a $10 purchase. Sadly it never came up in the Club Nintendo options, and Nintendo seems to really be dragging their feet with the replacement loyalty program.

I'm about halfway through the game, and I'm glad to hear that it holds up the whole way through. Not looking forward to maze levels because the way the game handles collectibles, but everything I've done so far has been a blast. My personal favorite level so far has been the one in World 2 with the chain chomps. It's

(First reaction): Holy shit.

Yoshi's Woolly World is living up to my expectations! It's not that difficult, but collecting all the flowers and Wonder Wool has just been a blast so far, and I love seeing the different Yoshi designs. I've been switching up designs pretty much every level.

Clearly if the 4 year old had a gun this wouldn't have happened!

Let's see fuck my teaching abilities. I'm not very good at this, and I may get a bit too annoyed at students arguing about their grade especially when "This is not the time, you have a timed assignment here, you can argue this another time"

One of my friends finally cut off what seemed to be a pretty bad relationship with an ex. So good for him. (Not so good he had to live through that, but hopefully he can make a fresh start)

So in the past few weeks I got a bunch of books at this old book sale at the State Department. Fun times. So this week I read All Quiet on the Western Front. Probably one of the most depressing books I've ever read. Which shouldn't be surprising for a book that's about World War I from the German perspective. (Or

But it is incest week here at the AV Club right? Don't a few clones need to be sexed?

I mean, is it really love if witnesses aren't thrown out of a tower window?

(Starts typing figging into Google. Stops. Turns on private browsing first. Then types figging into Google). Ah, that was still a mistake. Off to California now. To do something other than steal Doc Brown's time machine. Yes that's it.

I almost accidentally got the Yarn Yoshi Amiibo, but I corrected the cashier on their mistake. And in the same trip I bought a used DS game so I couldn't justify to myself spending another $10. It was an awesome looking thing though.

It depends on context I guess. I remember growing up I'd hear "You Jew!" as an insult. (Usually the person being called a Jew wasn't Jewish, and usually they just did something to piss the other person off). Few times I had it directed at me my response was usually "I'm Jewish and your point is…" This would lead to an

The bible is the literal word of God! Except that one thing about rich people not getting into heaven. Eye of a needle refers to some gate or something. (It's fun to see the hoops people will jump through to justify Jesus being chill with greed)

Oh well fine. You're lucky that we are the Church of England!

"Two drag queens reenact the fist fight while it was still happening."

Started to watch Archer. First season is a little uneven, but there's definitely quite a bit that has made me laugh. Also I understand more of the non Simpsons/Futurama related jokes at the AV Club now!

Impulse buy! When picking up Yoshi's Woolly World, I found Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of the Sky for fairly cheap. (Considerably cheaper than Amazon at least. So add that to the list.

I tried Sword Coast Strategems but it wasn't to my taste. Mage battles got too frustrating. I do like what they did with the final boss to BG1 though.

I'm inspired to try and make Queen world this weekend. How far I get will depend on how much Yoshi I play, and how cooperative some imaging software is for me. I'll upload the course codes on the Gamelogical Steam Group when I'm ready.