Lord Stoneheart

Maybe his evil gene isn't being expressed but when he spliced it into her he forgot to splice in the repressor gene as well?

Thanks for the article. (Reads it). Ummmm Catholic Church? Issuing an apology for your actions doesn't mean much when immediately afterwards you try to get the main perpetrator declared a saint.

Just out of curiosity who just got canonized? I missed that story.

My housemates are pretty reasonable people, and we manage not to interact much. It works out best for everyone.

I'm watching How to Get Away with Murder.

Still reading In the Spirit of Crazy Horse. I've read about the shootout, the capture of Peltier, and his extradition back to the U.S

0/10. Not enough butt stuff. Would not column again.

Congrats on your relationship stuff!

So to sum up some of these letters, it's basically "I want to have sex with people other than my current boy/girlfriend. It's okay if we never said that we were going to be exclusive right?" Who needs open honest communication when you have rules lawyering! Those relationships sound healthy!

(Spoilers about Disney movies) When I watched Frozen it was with other friends at my college. Me being the obnoxious person I am, kept joking that the red haired prince was totally evil, and I should know I recognize my fellow evil redhead compatriots on sight. It was meant to be a shitty joke I swear!

They were in the closet making babies, and I saw one of the babies…

Uh, is this referring to something specific in my post?

Obama wants to take away our guns! And then he will feed our last hope for a truly great president, Donald Trump, to Garm!

Uh, the reviewer saying that, or Reposted SNPP comments? Because the latter has always said that.

My favorite part about this comment is that the two sentences are such non sequitur that it actually rolls back to being funny.

The Space Pope isn't reptilian? Ah crap, I forgot to tell my housemates where the smelling (Faints dead away)

No Futurama jokes? I don't want to live on this planet anymore.

"Would you kneel before me?"
"Boy would I sir!"

Ah, I swear that Airy has some sort of power to dumb down everyone around her. The fact that your party puts it together by Chapter 6, you basically get told she's evil in Chapter 4 (If you do the Vampire sidequest), and as you said it's possible for the player to figure it out even earlier makes it even worse.

Yeah, the worst of it was that death scene. The rest was just kinda of meh. (Didn't help that I saw it shortly after I had a double dose of boring Hollywood biopics in Theory of Everything and Imitation Game)