Lord Stoneheart

Mediocre! Hmmm, I'll try to find it somehow without paying extra hopefully.

The Sean Penn Hallmark card knockoff was good for a laugh for me. (I don't think I was supposed to laugh at Milk's death scene was I? It's just the Tosca shout out was too silly. I just can't even explain what was wrong with that)

I've been meaning to look into that one. Is it on Netflix? If so I think I'll watch it tonight. (Fuck the fact that the topic is still relevant though)

(Looks at the MAWP).

Only tangentially related, but I hate it when a game is so unbalanced with class choices that there's not just trap builds, but trap classes.

Im currently making my way through the print books of The Order of the Stick. This week involved me finishing On the Origin of PC's. Some of the characters I was most interested in learning the backstory of didn't really get covered. So it was a bit of an anticlimax there. Seeing Roy and Durkon's first adventure

That boss battle theme is now stuck in my head. I wished they used it a little more often though, on more fun bosses. (Also according to Theatrhythm Curtain Call it's called Battle to the Death. As opposed to all those other lighthearted battles?)

Bravely Default: Mother of god those last few chapters.

Will do. Also I'm thinking between Acts 2 and 3 would be a good time.

It's for Windows, Mac, and Linux. No mobile versions from what I can tell.

That I didn't know. Thank you! So what's special about the Amiibos?

Oh, I don't have Amiibos. So it's all random mushrooms. So I can't really make a theme level. I just can't randomly get stuff like Kapp'n in between the turn Mario into a spring stuff.

I've found the normal 100 Mario challenge to be the most entertaining. Easy is shorter so you unlock stuff quicker, but there's too many levels that have zero challenge. (They either auto play or literally have no obstacles). And expert is full of really nasty bullshit. (Though every once in a glorious while you'll

This weekend I'll be playing

It's been forever since I've seen that, and reading this made wonder just how old Lilo's older sister is. She was in her late teens early twenties right?

Hey, it's a probably a sign that your weekly thread has truly made it big! Assuming it's the same guy. Which I have no idea of knowing because it's deleted now.

Ah, running injuries are very frustrating as hell. I'm sorry you're missing out on the nice weather.

Oh the specific field? Biophysics.

Finished season 2 of Bojack Horseman.It was interesting, and it ended on a bit more of a positive note than I expected. Especially since the penultimate episode led me to believe that everyone was forever trapped in some weird spiral of self loathing which sabotaged their every chance at having anything decent happen