Lord Stoneheart

I do appreciate one ups a little bit, in case those levels pop up in 100 Mario challenge. Each level lets you collect three one ups to replenish your stock. It doesn't seem like much compared to what you start with, but I've ended expert runs in the single digits of lives.

Yeah. I can't harp people on bad design because my levels have some stupid unfair stuff in them, and I'm still trying to figure what works so to speak. (Chain chomp throwing Lakitus. Hilarious until you actually have to make your way past them). But the coin trails thing just feels like a huge middle finger, and the

I agree with the premise of this FOC, so I have to say I've seen two trends in playing Mario Maker levels that annoy me.

Childhood crushes? Hmmm, well I've already mentioned one of my more cringeworthy stories about that on Savage Love already. (Recap, crushed on another closeted gay guy).

All it had to do was mention that time is a flat circle and I would have thought so. (Though that would be weird because I read it in 2010, and True Detective season 1 was 2014)

I would use this stuff as a counterargument for intelligent design, but then I realized that the arguments for intelligent design tend to be "Look at how intelligently God designed the banana/corn/(insert other food that was almost inedible until us humans started messing with it)"

Mario Maker! I'm actually at the limit of levels I can upload, so I'm taking a bit of a break while I try out other people's levels and try to learn from them. But I've been playing fellow AV Clubbers levels and I'm really impressed so far.

Yeah, in SMT IV my last playthrough had me side with God to crush Satan, destory Tokyo, and brainwash one of the last refuges of humanity into complete and utter obedience to God.

Making my way through Korra season 3. I enjoyed parts of season 1 and 2, but this is loads better.

My favorite thing about that is that it's going to send the "Obama is a secret Muslim who will implement Shairia law soon" conspiracy theorists into such a fit.

Long story but fuck people who resort to passive aggressive bullshit when they don't get their way.

I'm fairly certain the only sciences most Republicans don't hate are the parts of physics that give us bigger weapons.

Oh, and fuck all the Trump supporters who insist specifics aren't important.

I went to an amusement park for the first time in four years! And I didn't puke because of motion sickness! (Not even when I went on a coaster that was quite literally a giant loop that you just repeatedly went through). And fun was had by all.

Finished Brainiac by Ken Jennings. I have a small amount of satisfaction of knowing the answer to the Final Jeopardy question he lost on. (The true joy of trivia is knowing that even against the best, there's probably some small thing you know that they don't because all the stuff is well trivia). It was an

Beyond Civilization. He had a point with the cause of our current problems. I just didn't think he had anything that sounded like a solution. It's been a while since I've read it, and I'll admit at the time I had my head up my ass as well.

I remember reading a book in high school that was a thinly disguised author tract on how civilization itself was a mistake. So when I'm feeling obnoxious it's my go to argument that the real good old days was back when we were hunters and gatherers. (I'm a real hit at parties).

(Reads the first letter). So what exactly is Sad Mama asking for advice for here? I mean I guess if she just wants assurance that it's okay that her son is into polyamory she's come to the right place, but if she was hoping to have ammo to change her son's mind then she should probably know better than to ask Dan.

That sounds exhausting. I thought the point of growing old was to be able to make news headlines by yelling at clouds?

My only nitpick is that you only face Bowser once in Super Mario Bros, at 8-4. The other 7 Bowsers are imposters, revealed when killed via the fire flower.