Lord Stoneheart

Yeah, I know that now. As a 15 year old? (that's when this happened) Not so much.

Well at least a story where my shame and humiliation are sex related I guess I could see that. I'll suppose I'll share with AV Savage Love if such a story happens.

Yeah, that's a fear of mine when it comes to asking people out. (Well there's more to it than that. But that's for another time I think). In the case of my friend we ended up being pretty close for a while. That incident happened 7 years ago during my sophomore year of high school. We remained friends through

My thoughts went from "This is a full price game?" when it was first revealed to "Shut up and take my money" right around the time that trailer in August came out. It's not so much the idea of a Mario level designer as it is how they seem to have made it look really accessible. I'm excited.

Occasionally, though first party games are rarely on sale. Earlier in the summer a bunch of indie titles were on sale for quite a bit. (Not just shovelware I mean. I picked up the Shantae game for 50% off).

And DS titles as well. Though the selection there is pretty weak since it just started in April.

I've had a (male gay) friend hit on me once. My reaction was to talk about how low his standards were. (Whether he was sincere or not, that's not the correct reaction) It was after this that I realized having self esteem and knowing when to take a compliment might actually be somewhat endearing to people. So I'm going

One time a girl (who at that point was a friend of mine for a few years) asked me out. It's probably impossible to describe the awkwardness that was my rejection. If I remember correctly, it was a bunch of cliches, followed by me trying to change the subject. "I don't think I'm ready for a relationship." (True, but

Meh. Dissenting opinion is a dissenting opinion.

Oh it's a fantastic song all around. I just find it to be one of the most depressing songs I've ever heard. "Those memories come back to haunt me. They haunt me like a curse. Is a dream a lie if it don't come true? Or is it something worse, that sends me down to the river…"

Well a lot of famous Springsteen songs have the message of "Society will eventually crush your hopes and dreams" (The River, Atlantic City, Born in the USA, Jungleland…) And Christie is a big fan of the status quo of society.

Certain religions not believing in consent isn't that far off.

Now who's being naive?

Oh right Das Bus! I must have thought that was an earlier season. (Despite there not already being a classic review of it). Still my favorite use of The Lord of the Flies plot.

Damn. Somebody wake me up when we get to The Joy of Sect.

Hmmm disappointing. I can't remember anything from the Christmas episode. And the only part of the clip show that's good is Snake and even that is pretty random and disjointed. At least there's still a few good episodes left in season 9.

Oh, what episode is next anyway?

No Simpsons Classic review? Moe: "Oh won't someone please think of the commenters!"

When a comment on the AV Club gets deleted it's because it's probably pretty vile stuff. It doesn't take many guesses to figure out what a deleted comment originally said.

(Searches for gifs of Springfieldians in a mob with torches and pitchforks)