Lord Stoneheart

But he didn't use swear words! Thus we can infer what a reasonable person he is. That's how it works right?

I'm waiting for the five exclamation marks. True sign of insanity right there.

Homer Simpson merging into the bushes is also an appropriate reaction.

Have you seen how the AV Club comment section dresses? How it looks in Disqus? It practically invites the trolls to make unwanted advances towards it. Maybe it shouldn't hang out with commenters who have "I love trolling" tattoos.

Yeah, and the option to pre load it so you can play it right away on the 11th was available almost a whole month in advance. I'm sure there's some reasoning behind it that probably makes sense, but with Nintendo's really sparse summer I'm surprised that it didn't come earlier.

Imbrued is a perfectly cromulent word. (Sees that I've been beaten to the punch by tons of people). Well um… (realizes that I'm out of Simpsons references). D'oh! (Flees)

As someone who has Lucas as one of their two main fighters, I have to give you grudging respect for managing to pick up KO's like that.

Damn you autocorrect! (You might wonder why I still have it since I damn it so much. The answer is I'm super lazy and weird replacements are worth not having to capitalize I's by myself)

This weekend I'll be playing

Ah, I really wish my computer was better and could efficiently run Pillars. (The worst is that it can run it, but even with a ton of graphical effects set to minimum, it runs intolerably slow. I almost wish that it wouldn't run at all just so I'm not even tempted to try)

For a natural law, a lot of other animals seem to violate the hell out of it. (What does a natural law even mean in this context?)

Making my way through Season 2 of Orphan Black. I'm liking the main plot, though I'm really hoping more examinations into the Proletheans motives soon would be nice. I mean I get that they are religious nutjobs, but what exactly do they believe and want?

Fragile Things, which is a collection of short stories by Neil Gaiman. Most of the stuff is decent, though not entirely memorable. Some stories have interesting concepts, like "A Study in Emerald" (Holmes meets Lovecraft Mythos basically) though they fall a little flat.

Ah, my junior/senior year high school English teacher was so annoyed with me because I was very minimal with any sort of page markup. "Active reading requires it!" The hell it does. If I need to take actual notes, I'll write on a separate sheet of paper. Writing in the margins with my handwriting is illegible and it

This reminds me when some word got brought up a couple of weeks ago that was used to describe "Being attracted to intelligence". I mean, I guess it's not the most pretentious thing I've ever heard? Just up there. I assume people who identify that way are like the guy in this Onion article though.

He sounds like a real winner. Just think of the unasked condescending explanations he could offer!

Congrats on the TA position! And best of luck with your teaching as well!

I mean I could see myself dating someone quite a bit different from myself. I wouldn't mind things like different tastes in music or hobbies. In theory I wouldn't mind differences in political opinion unless they were really insufferable about it. (Though someone who's a complete bigot would probably be crossed off

Well somebody has to stand up for us smug punchable types. Who else if not internet trolls?

Arguable. But I would try to argue it. "This man is my exact double! That dog has a fluffy tail!"