Lord Stoneheart

I started watching Orphan Black. Some plot threads are much more compelling than others, but it's been satisfying my urge to watch some decent sci fi on TV.

A: Congrats! (What kind of alcohol?)

I'm on a short story binge of sorts. Last weekend I read "One More Thing" by BJ Novak. Overall I enjoyed it, though some of the stories came across as overly prepared punchlines. There were some really solid stories in there (I liked the Dark Matter one), but some of the other stories went on way too long. (Looking at

Well, the way I see it, if you time travel you only have control of the body that is time traveling. So in a sense, past you is now a different person than you if you both exist concurrently. Just because I time travel to 2011 doesn't mean that 18 year old me will do what 22 year old me wants him to do. So it would be

Does it have to be on this timeline? I'd like to find a version of me where the acne scars have faded, I've figured out a non-cardio workout that works for me, and I have contacts that don't irritate my eyes to the point where I just cry from having them in. (Goodbye unsexy glasses!)

So I've moved to my own place for school, and away from my parents house. I feel like I might be able to have a social life again. Or at least a social life that I don't have to spend a lot of time of explaining exactly what I'm doing to someone. And I don't feel like I'm a horrible person for trying to assert a basic

I used to have one that I created back when I was 14 for just that purpose. It was called bigdaddy(some numbers) because I was a huge fan of Bioshock at the time. And I couldn't see anything wrong with that screen name.

To be fair, it's easier to get angry at an affair when one of the attempts to cover it up involved the defenestration of your child.

I honestly don't know any who has leftward views and more than a cursory interest in politics that is actually scared of Trump. Actually, a lot of the people I know are relishing the idea of him going third party and splitting the Republican vote.

Oh yeah, the currency thing is definitely sincerely honoring him. I'm just entertained by the idea he wouldn't see it as a honor.

Oh, this was pretty easy. I just assigned everything that was actually funny to Mr. Burns. It worked pretty well.

So what you're saying is real holographic simulated Evil Lincoln is not back?

In a way it's kinda of a fuck you to Jackson because he opposed the National Bank, and he would be super opposed to the Federal Reserve. I can't see him liking the idea of being on paper currency that isn't backed by gold.

The Heat was pretty awesome. (Gives Evil Lincoln their high school yearbook back).

Oh right. Mediocre! (Well Fury Road itself. Not the movie)

I assumed the epic storm was part of the Fury Road. I thought it was cool. (And I think I would know because my mom thinks I'm cool)

(Listens to Dance of Death again). Okay that's not the example I was looking for. (That was pretty sweet, though I didn't catch all of the lyrics. Not a fan of the album art though). But now I have no idea what I example I was thinking of. I shall state Losfer Words as my example, and then flee before anyone catches

(Looks at the lyrics for Quest for Fire)

"Oh I'm paralyzed. I just hope medical science can cure me!"

Well after watching Wet Hot American Summer earlier this summer, Netflix pointed out the existence of the movie They Came Together, and I decided I needed more movies with Rudd and Poehler in my life. As a parody of rom coms, it was okayish. There were some wonderfully absurd bits, the Mrs. Robinson-esque seduction