Lord Stoneheart

Sock puppet or gimmick account which pretends to be a sock puppet? You decide!

Right away is not an option, but ASAP is. Good to hear about the story, and the grimoire system. (I never bothered with it really). Untold was my intro to the series, so I'm already sold on it when it comes to gameplay too. (Mapping is surprisingly fun. The 3DS is a good system for it).

Hark a Vagrant! One of these days I'll figure out how to work "That's not a clue, that's your jar of jam." into a conversation.

I constantly embiggen my vocabulary with new cromulent words. But I'm sure at least 500 people have already said that.

I've heard good things about all the non Dead Money DLC. I've only gotten through Honest Hearts, but I can say it was much more interesting than Dead Money. (I also really like the area of Zion Canyon so I may be a little biased).

Were the games ever non-linear after second gen? I feel they've been relying more on plot obstacles because they aren't relying on HM's anymore. Which I'm kinda of fine with.

How does 2 Untold compare with 1 Untold? I thoroughly enjoyed the first one, but I'm not in a position to shell out $50 for 2 yet. I was wondering if I should get it as soon as I'm getting a steady paycheck, or if I should wait for a sale.

Busy this weekend, so if I'm lucky I might be able to get some Bravely Default in. Onto Chapter 6, and I haven't gone insane from repetition yet. Just have to this whole cycle…. 3 more times. Damn it.

They are saving that for sweeps… I mean the general election.

I would say that my opinion of him remains unchanged. In the sense that my opinion of him really couldn't get worse after I read the non apology for molesting children.

So that's why the taste of Blimpie's varies from person to person so much.

My friend recommended me these 4 Dream Theater albums that are all connected apparently.

Oh right, I forgot things are rarely actually ever deleted.

The part of me that has a conscience tells me that this can only go wrong and end in tears for everybody involved.

Both me and my dad are redheads. Assuming my hair acts the same way as his, it will start to turn this blond color before it turns white. It's neat. (And for now I get asked questions why I have red hair but my parents don't).

But they can be very punishing for those of us whose best puns are puny

I think the advantage is the non permanence of the photos. So that way it's harder to blackmail someone over sexts.

Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Leader!

I'm so disappointed that my senior year English teacher didn't explain the slang at all. Would have made Hamlet much more enjoyable. Hamlet has nothing on his mind Ophelia. It's always nothing with Hamlet.

I've heard good things about Explorers of the Sky, and that it had a much better story than the first one. DS games shouldn't be too hard to come by, but they might cost close to original retail value. I can't justify shelling that out at this point in time. (Maybe if the newest one is as much of a dud as the other