Lord Stoneheart

"Thou has undone our mother!"
"Villain I have done thy mother!"
(I know that's not the revenge. I just always liked that exchange)

(Reads the Rashomon review). That's not how I remember it!

This weekend I rewatched Wet Hot American Summer after having finished the show. Some things that I noticed this second time around.

Well someone has got to get that leprosy stuff. Or get trapped in the ropes course. Or go to the lake on the last day.

(Rainier Wolfcastle voice): That's the joke.
(IMDb forums): You suck!

She needs that fork for oyster eating tonight!

Damn it, I forgot the last scene there. I blame the erratic posting schedule of the reviews. I watched this over a week ago.

I'm not worried about getting latticed in the face. I have nothing to fear from those Tiger Claw (Gets stabbed with an oyster fork).

But where do the reverse vampires come in? My sources say they are up to something. Wake up sheeple!

Sadly no. I'm less than a third the age, not talented, and white. (Also it only happens when I use my mom's maiden name. Legally and practically, I have my dads name, so while I have a surname that can be used as a first name, my first name is not the same as my surname. The similarities between my mom's old surname

One time I used my mom's maiden name to get on a gym plan. (It was a family plan owned by my mom's older brother). It wasn't until I said it aloud that I realized that my mom's maiden name can be shortened to the same thing that my first name can be shortened to. I got weird looks.

I remember a Cracked article that covered a Cosmo tip list on "How to tell if your man is cheating on you and what you should do about it." It made out some really innocuous things to be evidence of cheating and suggested really nasty pranks (like stuff involving laxatives) as punishments. (Because simply DTMFA isn't

Are you yelling at that cloud there?

I'm going to generalize fall as the rest of 2015 here.
My must get games of 2015 that haven't been released:
Super Mario Maker: The video this week really sold me on this. The things you can do seem pretty vast, and being able to break the rules and subvert expectations from traditional Mario levels seems fun. (Stuff

Was it a Mister Gutsy? Pulse grenade those suckers! Even if they are friendly, and it pisses people off! Hell if I'll let ice cream machines with guns attached to them mess with me! (But uh, don't mess with the Securitrons. You aren't going to be shooting your way through them).

I remember accidentally running into mods for BG Trilogy that removed or turned down the scroll and lock exp bonuses you got to prevent overleveling in BG1. And I'm just damn it, I'm putting those back in! I don't care if I'm overleveled. Overleveling cheaply fast is the only way that game is fun. The level you start

I think in terms of how stuff works out for New Vegas, House is best. Philosophically, I think an independent Vegas is best if you keep the Securitron army and forge alliances with the other groups. (I do like that the independent Vegas isn't the absolute best outcome though. It gives non gameplay reasons to go with

Marx is pretty freaky though.

I could go all day on Simpsons quotes, but I'll stick with one for right now. Namely, Homer's reaction to Lisa becoming a vegetarian.

Seeing the Mario Maker video this week put me in the mood to play SMB 3 and SMW but I don't have my SNES anymore so I would have to spend money on the VC which I don't feel like doing again until my first paycheck comes at the earliest. (When Mario Maker comes out I'm so making levels with Kuribo's Shoe)