Lord Stoneheart

Yeah I know, but right now my companion is Veronica and I don't feel like trekking across the wasteland for Boone. That is the plan for my file where I side with the NCR though. (My science and repair savvy current character is siding with Mr. House. She's a tech powered dictatorship lady).

Tropical Freeze does have some nasty difficulty spikes if I remember correctly. And hell is some of the temple levels. Especially the second world temple level. The only thing that compares is maybe the fifth or sixth world temple levels in Returns.

That's good to hear if I ever get an Xbox One. (Though I wonder why they couldn't iron out Jet Force Gemini's control issues). Though outside the camera, and the Bowser fights. I thought Super Mario 64 has aged pretty well. Though the first Banjo-Kazooie has probably aged better. (I think Banjo-Tooie and DK64 are a

This weekend I'll be playing,

Oh sorry, I was trying to set someone up for the line, "It's not ironic, it's just X!" Didn't happen, so really my message should be ignored.

I felt like the scene where the other counselors confront Lindsay fell kind of flat.
“I trusted you with my diaphragm!”
Well until that. That saved the scene right there.

A dissenting review? How ironic.

I like the discussion of the garbage one.
"You got this off the internet? In my day the Internet was only used for porn." "It still is!" (Instructional video turns into a porn movie)

The Simpsons because of Troy McClure. Let me demonstrate by showing you the Food Chain!

I guess it was the whole successfully trick his son into getting his meth money that made me think that it was being too nice to Walter. At least the Neo Nazis died. (And Jesse personally killed Todd). Walter's fate during Granite Slate seemed to be pretty fitting to me though.

Part of me is slightly afraid to ask if TLC has done something new in the past week that they deserve to be told to go fuck themselves But then I remembered that honestly the shit they've done earlier in the summer is still a thing, and they still deserve to be told to go fuck themselves.

A little bit late I guess, but what did you think of the finale? (Spoilers for anyone looking at this thread who's not all the way through Breaking Bad)

That's from Intimacy I believe? (Mercury never really caught on with me. Though Signs is another song that I really liked despite not paying attention to the lyrics, and then suddenly having them hit me like a truck. Fun times).

I remember liking Four too, though not as much as Silent Alarm or Weekend in the City. (Octopus is super catchy, and for some reason I'm a fan of We Are Not Good People)

I finally put Bloc Party's A Weekend in the City on my music players. My brother has had this lying around since 2007.Damn, do I procrastinate. Hunting for Witches and I Still Remember are still great songs. (Though I'm embarrassed to admit that I didn't realize what the latter song was about until very recently). A

It's only minor shit for me that needs to be fucked, but really, fuck having to go to the dentist. (And while this doesn't warrant a fuck this shit mention, I'm annoyed at my dentist and his assistant for talking about politics while doing work on me. I have my mouth pried open here, my cheek and upper jaw numbed, a

About two thirds of the way through Bojack Horseman season 1. If I thought the humor picked up around episode 5, then doing a back to back viewing of the Princess Carolyn focused episode (I think it's episode 7?) and the episode where Bojack visits his ex-friend dying of cancer is where the plot picks up. I'm glad

Well currently I'm reading Warbreaker by Brandon Sanderson. I haven't quite finished it yet, but so far I'm rather impressed. I mean, I always like reading about the magic systems Sanderson devises because I'm a nerd like that. But the plot has been pretty interesting too, with a pretty well constructed twist

It's called gay sex if it's sex between two people of the same gender. People like to associate anal sex as the only kind of intercourse that two gay men have but that's not the case. Besides, men have anal sex with women. Vice versa too! (And those guys are still straight).

I know that making Simpsons references is cliche for the AV Club but persistent trolls do remind me of the Halloween episode with the attack of the advertisements. "Just don't look" and they lose their power… But in the meantime they blow up half the town in self destructing. It's a no win situation.