Lord Sterilicus

Yeah, but where is the REALLY upscale merch? The pipe line name KILOS? Unless, of course, Snoop Dogg isn't into the metric system.

Surely you must be Jousting. This console will be on the Pole Position as soon as it is released.

Great….In a few weeks these 'action figures' will be on sale at my local Barnes&Knoble for $70.00. They are located back by the restroom near the Bibles, the $40 puzzle games, and the $125 Lego Space Needle kit. I imagine a Blake Shelton-type comes in 5 minutes before closing and buys them. He spaces out his trips so

Is this where Agent Smith clones suddenly appear around the pleather couch?

Does this somehow morph into "Morning Woody's Anal Adventures"?

If she had a Southern accent she'd be beyond words. She had this nice flow with her movements around the set that were 'languid'. Or maybe she was just strung out. Who knows.

Let's face it, patty melts are the type of sandwiches that would wear a bathrobe…the kind of bathrobes that coyly come undone as if by magic. Kinda like your Uncle Lou's did when you all would go visit your Aunt.

If you can include slightly naughty, yet oddly wholesome, references to your curvature…sure.

I am having a hard time holding back from unleashing my Lisa Loeb+Donna Lewis fan fiction.

If this doesn't include Nigella Lawson cooking me a patty melt in a bathrobe…then NO deal.

Is this where Optimus Prime chimes in with some BS about "The fate of Earth is in your hands now. We Autobots are incapable of wielding the force of the Super Soaker." Cue scene where pouty-lipped heroine squints into the setting sun and tenderly caresses her gigantic (My big big love) Super Soaker.

********hopes you say We-Vibe

What's the other half?

This should make the Colonel snap his suspenders!

Hmmm…it's dang near 10 p.m. here in Little Rock. It is 85F outside with 80% humidity. So, yeah, we are all going to die.

He kinda spent half the film shoving them back in, and turning the volume up.

That purple Caprice IS Atlanta.

Lily James…..is NOT related to Jennifer Jason Leigh? Whaaaaaaaaa? I'm old, but every scene she was in was bringing me that 'Jennifer Jason Leigh' vibe. That is actually great.

Most context-appropriate comment that will be seen in this entire discussion.