Lord Sterilicus

I was TWO WEEKS from retirement and Tay-Tay had to go and mess it up. (silent snake emoji)

I you have been moped by Morrissey, raise your hand.

Yup, now America is just rotund white guys with huge Punisher stickers in the back glass of their optioned-out diesel trucks with 84 month financing which is now sitting in their back yard with 50 months of payments left because it has a blown motor because they just had to put the aftermarket turbo on it so they

John Hurt had something inside that made his life difficult. Through ingestion of the sustenance of life he was able to experience a cathartic release of his inner demons.

I initially read that as "Twister followers".

Bruh…"Brand New Day", The most 'Sting' of all 'Sting' songs.

Taylor Swift>Steve Bannon x 1,000,000,000

Quite the fire starter, aren't you?

I think we'd ALL buy that for a dollar*.

At least he ain't her deadbeat baby-daddy

Bruh, you should live on Gilligan's Island

Lee Greenwood?

You mean that violent polka music? I can hear strains of the narcocorrido wafting through the apartment complex nightly.

I was more of a "Dread Zeppelin" man myself

Fairly certain "many sides" want some of that "Versus".

If she offers to show you how to "Spin the Black Circle" you might reconsider.

If you mean "Pearl Jam in Drag" then, yes.

Now we know how the "Yellow" in "Yellow Ledbetter"…umm, came to be.

You wish. It was the one with the alt-left pornography on the cover.

"Eveeeeeen Floooooow"