Lord Sterilicus

Whew!!!!! I am SOOOOOOO glad my years of jerking off to a Pearl Jam album cover are not so weird now.

"Idiocracy"…grade F

Universities are only good for college sports. I am convinced that the Arkansas Razorbacks could request that none of their players attend college courses and most Razorback supporters would be okay with that.

Trump couldn't survive in the parts of The South that are not immediately surrounding his compound Mar-a-Lago. It has fascinated me that a soft New Yorker (I'm amazed he survived New York) has captured the support of so many Southerners here in my home state of Arkansas. But even they are increasingly quiet about

…..looks at glowing life-clock….still green

It's an act. Tom Hardy CARES…

I just want to say my comment comes from a real experience in my life. I once had a girlfriend who was literally the prettiest girl in a small town with a surprising number of attractive women. She was even groped once in church by an 'upstanding businessman/decon'. That is some cold disgusting behavior. Oh, he was

Not physically repugnant, just morally repugnant. There is a time to take on the role of a man and stop being a childish horndog. Men who practice kindness and self-control don't have issues getting women to love them.

Sadly an accurate description because a lot of men do feel entitled to act this way and they enjoy making women uncomfortable. Also, it does not matter how old the woman may be. My girlfriend has 11 and 13 year old girls and they comments and looks they get from younger men and older men is just sickening.

She froze in the moment like most women violated in a very public situation would. I am glad she made her experience public.

"…claiming that there’s no way possible he can show up to the fibromyalgia benefit alone" That is the most '2004' thing a guy could ever say to a girl.

Hmmmm…how can a company that distributed a non-material product created by other people "bleed money"? This is like when you hear about casinos closing because they could not turn a profit…like, they GAVE you money, how did you lose it all?

ugh…sure be glad to move on to 1998. Oh, hey, it's "Closing Time" at my local Tunica, MS Piggly Wiggly.

They would be that one white guy at the bowling alley that always slings the bowling ball down the lane as hard as they can. I wish I could include a video because that one white guy is at every bowling alley. Like, just bowl like normal with some skill instead of trying to be a badass.

The Iron Giant put a whole in my coconut, the likes of the world has never seen

True. I called a former workplace inquiring about a job and for some reason I was still in the system even though my original application was 10 years ago. I could not complete an application because the system wanted the ID and Password I created 10 years ago….the HR helper read it to me right over the phone :-)

"…underground subculture of car-crash fetishists". In 2017 we call them "Storm Chasers".

Oh, and the Pyxis sometimes requires fingerprint ID, sometimes password ID, and sometimes fingerprint AND password ID….holy shite.

I choose semi-inappropriate passwords…that way when I have to call IT to recover them I get a slight chuckle at hearing them say "Your old password is "1Dikachu2Rule!"

Very normal in hospitals. I have at least 4 passwords to keep track of and they do reset every 3 months.