Lord Sterilicus

You, Sir/Madame, deserve a cold refreshing Stag Beer.

Being an asshole is central to his popularity.

I chose ONE THING to hate today.

I'm thinking of opening a craft brewery and internet cafe here in Little Rock (gun-check at the door). My plan is to only serve IPA and $1/hr access to USRobotics Sportster 56k modems.

It is not ironic that I got a link to "Dad Takes Hilarious Father-Daughter Photos With His Baby" when I opened this article. Thst guy IS the whole craft beer scene to me. Cutesy. Craft beer scene is like that photographer in town who uses the public park for all their photo shoots and stages every pic with a prop. Oh,

I live in Little Rock. I go to Conway to visit friends. It is very much a bedroom town. Toad Suck Daze is about as hopping as Conway gets.

Roy needs to chill with the snowboarding hate. Also, isn't this the point where Charles De Mar burst into the scene and snorts a long line of 'snow'?

I call shenanigans…this was obviously filmed in Conway, AR last week at the only surviving Hastings.

I haven't seen 'synergy' used this much since 1991 when "Baby Talk" and Julia Duffy were on the behavioral cusp of Clooney stardom.

she sing-speaks like someone who just fired from their job at old navy

So, which is the more believable movie scientists: A) Wahlberg's 'Yeager' from "Last Knight" or B) Logan Marshall-Green's 'Charlie Holloway' from "Prometheus"

No Ramsay III jokes?

That's nothing really. I hear black people saying that a lot down at the laundromat.

If we could super smash Super Nintendo World with "Black Rain" my dreams will have come true.

Substitute Ski-Do for Side-by-Side ATV or with 1970's fiberglass bass boat and this would be spot on.

Pretty sure that is how the Chicago water supply was contaminated with the USUC45 Virus.

Grimace looks like We-Vibe with eyes…but he brings the ladies (my lady anyways) much pleasure. Yeah, he is gonna survive the fallout.

And thousands of redbox video machines at every Walmart/Kum&Go

In the Ozarks…

Good trout fishing there in the off-season after all the floaters are gone.